Help ScreenSkills improve National Occupational Standards for screen industry roles

ScreenSkills is asking for industry feedback on its update of the National Occupational Standards that inform the development of qualifications and apprenticeships in the screen industries.
Starting: 03/01/2024 12:00
Ending: 16/01/2024 12:00

During this autumn, we are planning to consult with professionals across the nations about the competencies, skills and knowledge that are needed to work in the screen industries relating to roles in crafts and productions. This will be done in order to update the existing National Occupational Standards to reflect what is currently expected of employees by industry.

We will review and update the following standards:

VFX Standards - which list the practical skills and knowledge to create, alter, or enhance imagery for moving media. This involves the integration of live-action footage and computer generated (CG) content to create images, which look realistic but would be dangerous, costly, or simply impossible to capture during live-action shooting such as explosions, car crashes or flooding of cities.

Physical Special Effects (PSFX) Standards – which list the practical skills and knowledge needed to work safely and effectively in creation of physical effects such as weather conditions, fire and explosions in line with regulatory and legislative requirements.

Creative Media Generic Skills - which list the practical skills and knowledge needed to work across the creative industries in key areas such a teamworking, project management, managing and marketing yourself – the work on these standards is done through the other standard reviews.

To ensure that the updated suite of standards captures what currently is considered best practice in the industry, we encourage industry professionals to contribute their views to these draft standards by giving feedback on the sections relevant to them by midday 16 January 2024  

Please view the standards and comment on them following the links below:

Physical special effects PSFX

Visual effects VFX

Creative Media Generic Skills

Please invite any of your colleagues and professionals within your networks who might want to have a say to participate in the consultation.

Please contact  if you require any further information or to share your thoughts on the standards.

Read the Welsh language version.