Market wood fuel products

URN: prowfp7
Business Sectors (Suites): Wood Fuel
Developed by: Proskills
Approved on: 2019


This standard covers the skills and knowledge required to market wood fuel products to customers. It involves identifying appropriate marketing and communication techniques and their costs and benefits, communicating appropriate messages about wood fuel products, including their benefits and impact on the environment and evaluating marketing activity to make sure it is bringing sufficient return for the

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. identify realistic markets and products for sale and assess

    suitability following standard operating procedures

    1. determine specifications and quantities of each product to be


    1. quantify and value products to be marketed following standard

    operating procedures

    1. determine methods and point of sale to meet company


    1. obtain best return for available products and services following

    standard operating procedures

    1. keep accurate and up-to-date records according to legislation and

    organisational requirements

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. legal duties for health and safety in the workplace and legislation

    covering your job role

    1. relevant legislation and requirements relating to clean wood fuels

    2. why marketing and promotion is important

    3. different ways to promote wood fuel products

    4. wood fuel's sustainability credentials and the benefit of using

    sustainably produced wood fuel and how this benefits woodland


    1. carbon saving of wood fuel products in comparison to gas, oil coal

    or electricity

    1. how buying from a local quality assured supply helps the local

    economy and supports local jobs

    1. benefits of using recycled or reclaimed wood

    2. how to tie marketing and promotional activities in with the

    seasonal demand for wood fuel products

    1. existing and potential customers

    2. what motivates people to buy wood fuel

    3. wood fuel considered appropriate for cooking and its benefits

    4. benefits of different types of wood fuel products and how to

    portray them to customers

    1. how important environmental messages are to your customers

    2. how to evaluate which marketing and promotion mediums will

    reach your audience

    1. how to identify the costs and benefits of different marketing and

    communication techniques


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Furniture Makers and Other Craft Woodworkers

SOC Code



Wood; Fuel; Market; Products