Monitor and control the quality of wood fuel products

URN: prowfp5
Business Sectors (Suites): Wood Fuel
Developed by: Proskills
Approved on: 2019


This standard covers the skills and knowledge required to check the quality of wood fuel products at appropriate times during production, storage and delivery; detecting variations that could adversely affect the product and taking appropriate action to resolve them. It applies equally to carrying out in-house checks and sending samples to external testing facilities. It does not apply to the quality control of sub-contractors which is covered elsewhere. This could apply to the production of wood chips, wood pellets, wood briquettes, fire wood or charcoal.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. comply with health and safety requirements and procedures at all


    1. use up-to-date quality specifications for wood fuel being produced

    2. check quality at appropriate times during production, storage and

    delivery processes to identify variations in quality

    1. integrate quality checks in wood fuel production, storage and

    delivery processes following standard operating procedures

    1. sample quantities to give representative results following standard

    operating procedures

    1. use appropriate methods to check quality, ensuring that any

    inspection equipment is fully functioning and adjusted correctly

    1. identify any variations between the actual and desired quality of

    wood fuel products and the reasons for them

    1. rectify issues in production resulting in wood fuel products of substandard quality following standard operating procedures

    2. check results of quality monitoring and controls are recorded in

    information systems

    1. adapt and update quality checks following standard operating


    1. apply quality assurance labels to wood fuel products following

    standard operating procedures

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. legal duties for health and safety in the workplace and legislation

    covering your job role

    1. relevant legislation and requirements relating to clean wood fuels

    2. characteristics of wood species and the effect of species on wood

    fuel production

    1. how to assure quality in the supply chain

    2. how origin of raw material, carbon savings and product

    specification relate to quality assurance labelling

    1. impact of moisture content and particle size on wood fuel products

    2. how to calculate calorific value of wood fuels with different

    moisture contents

    1. properties of wood fuel that cause inefficiency, malfunction,

    corrosion or pollution

    1. how to interpret specifications for wood fuel being produced

    2. how to determine number of increments required for meaningful


    1. how to confirm expected quality of wood fuel products being


    1. indications that suggest that variations between the actual and

    desired quality of wood fuel products exist

    1. critical points with production, storage and delivery of wood fuel

    products when things can go wrong

    1. type of problems that could occur including defects in production,

    storage and delivery process

    1. how and when it is beneficial to use external testing facilities

    2. equipment used for inspecting wood fuel products

    3. how to check inspection equipment is correctly adjusted and


    1. actions to take if products don't conform to specification or vary

    widely within specification

    1. actions to take to resolve variations in quality

    2. information system used and why it is important to use correctly

    3. how changes in processes, raw materials or legislation may affect

    quality monitoring processes

    1. cross contamination of products and why it is important to avoid

    2. how to quarantine products that have been contaminated


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Furniture Makers and Other Craft Woodworkers

SOC Code



Wood; Fuel; Quality; Control