Repair faults in Tramway components, equipment and assets
This standard is about repairing faults on Tramway components, equipment and assets. You will be able to use methods and techniques, approved for use by your organisation, to locate and repair faults that involve one or more of the following areas of the Tramway: Electrification Signalling Telecommunications Track Trackside environment The type and range of repairs could be complex and involve dismantling, removing, adjusting, modifying, replacing and installing a range of components, equipment and assets. The repairs may involve the interaction between two or more assets, components and equipment found in the Tramway environment. You may be required to undertake the repair activities individually or as part of a team. The repairs may also involve one or more of the following technologies; Electrical Hydraulic Mechanical Pneumatic Electronic Thermal You will be required to determine, from the information and documentation provided, what has to be completed and how it can be achieved safely, within the time frames allotted and in accordance with the environment and site conditions. You will understand the methods and procedures used and their application to carry out activities, ensuring that the repaired components, equipment and assets meet the required specification. Your underpinning knowledge will provide an understanding of your work and will provide an informed approach to applying problem solving techniques and procedures within an integrated system. You will know and understand the safety precautions required when undertaking the repair activities, especially those for isolating the equipment and for taking the necessary safeguards to protect yourself, the wider environment and other people in the workplace. This standard is for those who work in the Tram engineering environment at supervisor or technician level. |
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
P1 confirm you are wearing the correct PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and following the relevant health and safety procedures
P2 interpret and analyse information received on the fault and repair activities to Tramway components, equipment and assets
P3 confirm and agree the repair activities to take place and the sequence in which they will be undertaken in accordance with organisational procedures
P4 prepare the tools and equipment required to undertake the repair in line with organisational requirements
P5 take action to prevent damage or interference with other components, equipment, assets and the wider Tramway environment during repair activities
P6 communicate proposed activities to the relevant stakeholders, as required
P7 undertake repair activities on Tramway, components, equipment and assets in line with organisational procedures
P8 undertake integrity test and checks on the repaired Tramway component, equipment or asset to confirm it is functioning in accordance with organisational procedures
P9 record details on the extent and location of the faults and repairs in line with organisational procedures
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
K1 the relevant health and safety procedures appropriate to the activity including safe systems of work K2 the general operational and functional principles of the Tramway components, equipment and assets K3 the relationship between Tramway assets, components, equipment and the wider environment K4 the types of faults found in Tramway components, equipment and assets K5 the types of repair activities undertaken on Tramway components, equipment and assets K6 how to analyse the information available for repair activities K7 how to prioritise repair activities in line with organisational procedures K8 the **hazards** associated with undertaking repair activities on Tramway components, equipment and assets K9 the range of actions that can be taken to prevent damage or interference with other assets, components, equipment and the wider environment K10 the methods and techniques for repairing faults on Tramway components, equipment and assets K11 the ways in which repair activities can be adapted to suit a range of **environmental conditions** K12 the methods and techniques for undertaking integrity checks on Tramway components, equipment and assets K13 the importance of undertaking integrity tests and checks prior to a Tramway returning to operational service K14 when independent testing may be required K15 the extent of your own authority and to whom you should report if you have identified problems that you cannot resolve |
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
K8 Hazards may include; Tram vehicles and other road users, stored pressure/force, electrical contact, electrical/electronic interfaces, handling fluids, using faulty/damaged tools and equipment, using unauthorised procedures, working at height, working in confined spaces.
K11 Environmental conditions may include; open to traffic, closed to traffic, restricted track access, daytime, night time/low lighting levels, extreme weather conditions, work site location (access/egress, public interaction, noise, dust, vibration), limited space.
Tramcars, tram vehicle, and any other rail vehicles that operate on tramways. It includes one or more trams coupled together and includes non-passenger-carrying vehicles.
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Includes the tramway (a set of rails, switches and crossings which form the route of a Tram) , infrastructure (fixed assets used for the running of the Tram transport system, including, the tramway, bridges, tunnels, stops, stations and fixed equipment for signalling, communications and electrification), depots, stabling yards.
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Trackside environment
Includes structures, platforms, embankments.