Carry out routine inspection of Tram vehicle assets, components and equipment
This standard is about carrying out routine inspection of Tram vehicle assets, components and equipment. It is about being able to access and carry out checks and tests to confirm that the assets, components and equipment are appropriate for operational use. You will be able to record and report and defects or variations in line with organisational procedures.
This standard is for those who work in the Tram engineering environment.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
P1 confirm you are wearing the correct PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and following the relevant health and safety procedures
P2 identify and follow the relevant information and documentation for the Tram vehicle asset, component or equipment being inspected
P3 select and prepare the required inspection tools and equipment
P4 identify the inspection checks to be carried out and the acceptance criteria to be used
P5 take precautions to prevent damage to surrounding equipment, components and systems during routine inspection activities
P6 carry out routine inspection activities in the required sequence using methods and techniques approved by your organisation
P7 observe the operation of the Tram vehicle assets, components and equipment to confirm they are functioning correctly, when relevant
P8 identify and record any defects or variations to Tram vehicle assets, components and equipment in line with organisational procedures
P9 report instances where the routine inspection activities cannot be completed or where issues have been identified in line with organisational procedures
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
K1 the relevant health and safety procedures appropriate for the routine inspection activity including safe systems of work
K2 the different types of routine inspections of Tram vehicle assets, components and equipment
K3 the importance of carrying out routine inspections prior to a Tram vehicle returning to operational service
K4 the range of information and documentation relevant to the Tram vehicle assets, components and equipment being inspected
K5 the range of methods and techniques used during routine inspection of Tram vehicle assets, components and equipment
K6 the methods and techniques for preparing inspection tools and equipment
K7 the organisation's approved inspection acceptance criteria, including tolerances, where relevant
K8 how defects and variations can affect the safety and performance of the Tram vehicle
K9 the range of precautions that can be taken to prevent damage to surrounding Tram vehicle equipment, components and systems
K10 when to observe the operation of Tram vehicle assets, components and equipment to confirm it is functioning correctly
K11 your organisation's procedures for recording and reporting defects and variations to Tram vehicle assets, components and equipment
Scope Performance
P1 **Health and safety** **procedures** ****may include; ergonomic working, moving and manual handling, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), working time and breaks, lone working, Personal Track Safety, safe systems of work (authorised access/egress points, signage, lighting, CCTV, walking to and from a work site, planned protection arrangements, emergency stop protection arrangements, possession arrangements, isolation requirements, communication/warning arrangements and techniques, positions of safety, safety zones, lookout arrangements, first aid points, emergency assembly point, safety briefings, fire evacuation, working at height requirements, working in confined spaces requirements, authorised walking routes, emergency service support (as required), walking to and from a vehicle, designated parking areas). P2 **Information and documentation** may include; specifications, diagrams, previous inspection data, electronically stored information, manufacturers manuals, Tram vehicle maintenance records, defect reports, repair schedules, wiring and circuit diagrams. **Asset, components and equipment** may include; mechanical (wheel sets, bogies, suspension, gear boxes, final drives, pumps, engines, mechanical structures, doors, compressors, control valves, brakes), electrical (power supplies, motors, switch gears, distribution panels, luminaries, wiring enclosures), ancillary (security camera, CCTV, passenger information displays, audio systems, wi-fi, trims and fittings ( panels, coverings, safety equipment, storage, fixtures, signage), air conditioning, ventilation and temperature control. P6 **Activities** may include; wire count, integrity check, condition check, wear and tear, visual and aural checks, electrical measurements, fuse checks, non-destructive testing. |
Scope Knowledge
K2 Types may include; final inspection, continuous monitoring, non-destructive testing, spot check.
K6* * Preparing may include; calibration, setting up, switching on.
Tramcars, tram vehicle, and any other rail vehicles that operate on tramways. It includes one or more trams coupled together and includes non-passenger-carrying vehicles.
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