Monitor lifting operations in the Tram and Tramway environment

Business Sectors (Suites): Tram Engineering,Tramway Engineering
Developed by: UK Tram
Approved on: 2021


This standard is about monitoring lifting operations in the Tram and Tramway environment, including the re-railing of a Tram vehicle.  The lifting operations will involve the preparation and movement of loads which may be large and irregular shaped, of uneven weight distribution, of a fragile nature and have difficult to access lifting points or are without lifting points.  The location and final destination of the load will be within the Tramway environment, such as in a depot, workshop or when on site.  You will be able to confirm that the area for the movement activity is secure and that the workforce, general public and the environment is protected prior to and during the lifting operations.  You will also be able to confirm that the correct licences or permits are in place prior to moving and that all operations follow an approved movement plan.  You will be able to recognise when the planned lifting operations cannot be carried out and have the ability to challenge the lifting procedures and to suggest alternative solutions.  You will know and understand how colleagues, contractors, the general public, property, assets and the environment can be affected by lifting operations and the ways in which disruption to colleagues, contractors and the general public can be minimised. This standard is for those who work as a technician or supervisor in the engineering or construction Tram and Tramway environment.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

P1        confirm you are wearing the correct PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and following the relevant health and safety procedures

P2        source and interpret the relevant information and documentation regarding the planned lifting operation

P3        identify and confirm the objective of the lifting operation in the Tram and Tramway environment in line with organisational procedures

P4        confirm the relevant resource requirements are in place and prepared prior to lifting operations taking place

P5        confirm the relevant safe systems of work are in place prior to lifting operations taking place and are in line with organisational procedures

P6        confirm the lifting team members understand their own role and responsibilities in relation to the lifting operations

P7        confirm the load is prepared for lifting

P8        confirm the final location for the load is prepared and suitable for the load

P9        monitor the lifting operations to confirm the load is moved safely and is correctly positioned and released in its intended destination

P10    record and report the details of the move in line with organisational procedures

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

K1        the relevant health and safety procedures appropriate to the activity including safe systems of work K2        the ways in which the workforce, general public and the environment can be protected during lifting operations K3        the **stakeholders** who might be affected by lifting operations in the Tram and Tramway environment K4        how disruption to other works, colleagues and contractors not involved in the lifting operations can be minimised K5        the identified lifting operation **concerns and problems** and how these may be overcome K6        how to establish the weight of a load and its centre of gravity K7        the methods and techniques for planning a route K8        the types of equipment used for lifting operations approved for use by your organisation K9        how to confirm the equipment used for lifting operations meets organisational requirements K10    the organisational care and control procedures for lifting and moving equipment K11    the relevant methods and techniques for handling loads before, during and after lifting operations K12    the relevant methods and techniques for monitoring and recording lifting operations in the Tram and Tramway environment K13    the organisational procedures to follow when a load has to be left suspended for a period of time K14    the relevant methods and techniques for the safe release and positioning of a load K15    the relevant methods and techniques for lifting a load that requires the preservation of evidence


Scope Performance

P1        **Health and safety** **procedures** ****may include; ergonomic working, moving and manual handling, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), working time and breaks, lone working, Personal Track Safety, safe systems of work (authorised access/egress points, signage, lighting, CCTV, walking to and from a work site, planned protection arrangements, emergency stop protection arrangements, possession arrangements, isolation requirements, communication/warning arrangements and techniques, positions of safety, safety zones, lookout arrangements, first aid points, emergency assembly point, safety briefings,  fire evacuation, working at height requirements, working in confined spaces requirements, authorised walking routes, emergency service support (as required), walking to and from a vehicle, designated parking areas). P2        **information and documentation** may include; local safety certificates, location plans, route of the load, calibration certificates, tolerances, manufactures instructions, risk assessments, specifications, licence/permit, lifting plan, competencies of lifting team members, proximity guidance (energy networks, utilities, overhead lines, building (including grade ii listings), street works. P4        **Resource** requirements may include; people, equipment (load capacity, stability), ground support, P5        **Safe systems of work** may include; authorised access/egress points, signage, lighting, CCTV, walking to and from a work site, planned protection arrangements, emergency stop protection arrangements, possession arrangements, isolation requirements, communication/warning arrangements and techniques, positions of safety, safety zones, lookout arrangements, first aid points, emergency assembly point, safety briefings,  fire evacuation, working at height requirements, working in confined spaces requirements, authorised walking routes, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements, emergency service support (as required), walking to and from a vehicle, designated parking areas. P7        **Prepared** may include; correct orientation, protected, secured.

Scope Knowledge

K3        **Stakeholders** may include; external (general public, councils, landowners, businesses, emergency service, passengers, customers), internal (team members, other departments, dedicated safety personnel, senior personnel) K5        **Concerns and problems** may include; heritage, environmental (e.g. wind speed, visibility, ground support), hazardous materials, work method/plan errors, incorrect maintenance, certification error, load control, slippage, non-conforming plant, equipment or machinery, breaches of security, lifting equipment stability and capacity, lifting zones and overhangs.






Tramcars, tram vehicle, and any other rail vehicles that operate on tramways. It includes one or more trams coupled together and includes non-passenger-carrying vehicles.

Tramway environment

Includes the tramway (a set of rails, switches and crossings which form the route of a Tram) , infrastructure (fixed assets used for the running of the Tram transport system, including, the tramway, bridges, tunnels, stops, stations and fixed equipment for signalling, communications and electrification), depots, stabling yards.

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies, Transportation Operations and Maintenance

SOC Code



Tram, Tramway, lifting, moving, loads.