Produce and amend technical engineering reports and supporting documentation in the Tram and Tramway environment
This standard identifies the competencies you need to produce and amend technical engineering reports and supporting documentation in the Tram and Tramway environment. You will be able to produce technical reports and supporting information before, during and after engineering activities in the correct format, language required and within the agreed timescales. You will also be able to amend reports and supporting documentation when required to ensure information is accurate and up to date. This standard is also is about understanding the importance of the information provided and ways in which the information may be used, such as through accident investigations. You will know and understand how to gather the appropriate information and the level of detail required to ensure the quality and accuracy of the work you carry out.
This standard is for those who work in the Tram and Tramway engineering and construction environment at supervisor/technician level.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
P1 produce and amend technical engineering reports and supporting documentation in the Tram and Tramway environment
P2 present the information in the format, style and language required by your organisation
P3 check the technical engineering information is valid and up to date
P4 use codes and references in line with your organisation's agreed conventions
P5 pass on technical engineering reports and supporting documentation to the relevant person within agreed timescales
P6 confirm all reports and supporting documentation are stored in line with organisational procedures
P7 report any issues or problems in line with organisational procedures
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
K1 the importance of accurate and relevant technical engineering reports and supporting documentation for use within your organisation and the Tram and Tramway environment
K2 the range of technical language, formats, symbols, abbreviations, and conventions used in technical engineering reports and supporting documentation
K3 the relevant principles of information confidentiality (including what information should be available and to whom) set by your organisation
K4 the different ways and formats that technical engineering information can be presented to meet organisational requirements
K5 the reasons why technical engineering reports and supporting information are required to be amended
K6 how changes to technical engineering reports and supporting information are recorded and monitored in your organisation
K7 the importance of differentiating fact from opinion when producing and amending technical engineering reports and supporting information
K8 how to confirm the technical engineering information is compliant with the relevant standards used by your organisation in the Tram and Tramway environment
K9 the relevant documentation care, control and storage procedures set by your organisation
K10 how different types of technical engineering information can interrelate
Scope Performance
P1 **Amend** may include; modify, copy, manipulate, erase/reverse changes. P5 **Relevant person** may include; line manager, engineering/depot manager, training manager. |
Scope Knowledge
K5 Reasons may include; incorrect information, approved modification/change, additional information, missing information.
Tramcars, tram vehicle, and any other rail vehicles that operate on tramways. It includes one or more trams coupled together and includes non-passenger-carrying vehicles.
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Tramway environment
Includes the tramway (a set of rails, switches and crossings which form the route of a Tram) , infrastructure (fixed assets used for the running of the Tram transport system, including, the tramway, bridges, tunnels, stops, stations and fixed equipment for signalling, communications and electrification), depots, stabling yards.