Operate under a safe system of work in the Tram and Tramway environment

Business Sectors (Suites): Tram Engineering,Tramway Engineering
Developed by: UK Tram
Approved on: 2021


This standard identifies the competencies you will need to confirm that you are operating under a safe system of work in the Tram and Tramway environment.  It is about making sure you and your colleagues comply with the systems in place to ensure the separation of workers, and also the general public, from moving Tram vehicles, Tram vehicle components, infrastructure assets, equipment and components during engineering activities.  It includes confirming that the necessary safety requirements are in place prior to entry into the Tramway and Tram environment and undertaking work activities.  This can include possession, protection and isolation requirements and also being able to monitor the effectiveness of the safe systems of work at regular intervals for the duration of the work activity.

 This standard is for anyone who works in the Tram and Tramway engineering and construction environment.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

P1        access the relevant *information and documentation relating to the work area and its safe system of work requirements

P2        identify the relevant safe systems of work requirements you are required to operate under in the Tram and Tramway environment

P3        confirm the equipment required to support a safe system of work is present and working correctly

P4        confirm that safe systems of work are in place prior to accessing a Tram and Tramway environment

P5        confirm you are wearing the correct PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and following the relevant safe systems of work

P6        identify the responsibilities of those involved in ensuring safe systems of work are in place in the Tram and Tramway environment

P7        monitor the relevant safe systems of work, in line with organisational requirements, during your work activities to ensure they have not been affected

P8        challenge instances when safe systems of work are not being adhered to

P9        report any issues to safe systems of work in line with organisational requirements

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

K1        the relevant legal and organisational procedures relating to health and safety at work

K2        the importance of operating under a safe system of work in the Tram and Tramway Environment

K3        the relevant equipment required to support a safe system of work

K4        the range of controls and organisational procedures in place to prevent interference with a safe system of work

K5        the ways in which a safe system of work can be affected

K6        the organisational procedures for reporting issues and unsafe working practices

K7        the relevant laws and regulations relating to safe working practices in the Tram and Tramway environment


Scope Performance

P1        **I****nformation and documentation** may include; work permits, risk assessments, site diagrams and schematics, work specifications.** ** **Safe system of work** may include; authorised access/egress points, signage, lighting, CCTV, walking to and from a work site, planned protection arrangements, emergency stop protection arrangements, possession arrangements, isolation requirements, communication/warning arrangements and techniques, positions of safety, safety zones, lookout arrangements, first aid points, emergency assembly point, safety briefings,  fire evacuation, working at height requirements, working in confined spaces requirements, authorised walking routes, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements, emergency service support (as required), walking to and from a vehicle, designated parking areas. P3        **Equipment** may include; signage, barriers, warning tape, tags, chocks, flags, lamps, flood lights, electronic communications equipment, working at height equipment, working in confined spaces equipment. P7        **Affected** may include; interference by members of the public, conflict between pedestrian/highway and Tramway, adverse environmental conditions, incidents and emergencies, fitness for duty (drugs, alcohol, medication, mental health, fatigue).

Scope Knowledge

K1        L*egal and* organisation's procedures **may include; ergonomic working, moving and manual handling, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), working time and breaks, lone working, Personal Track Safety, safe systems of work.

K6        R*elevant laws and regulations* may include; Road Traffic Act, highway code, standard operating procedures, working at heights, health and safety at work, COSHH, ROGS, LOLER, PUWER, manual handling, electricity at work, NRSAW (New Roads and Street Works).






Tramcars, tram vehicle, and any other rail vehicles that operate on tramways. It includes one or more trams coupled together and includes non-passenger-carrying vehicles.

* *

Tramway environment

Includes the tramway (a set of rails, switches and crossings which form the route of a Tram) , infrastructure (fixed assets used for the running of the Tram transport system, including, the tramway, bridges, tunnels, stops, stations and fixed equipment for signalling, communications and electrification), depots, stabling yards.

Fitness for duty

A legal declaration to say that a person is in a fit state to work.

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies, Transportation Operations and Maintenance

SOC Code



Tram, Tramway, safe system, safety