Work with external suppliers of training in the Tram and Tramway environment

Business Sectors (Suites): Tram Driver Trainer
Developed by: UK Tram
Approved on: 2021


​This standard is about working with external suppliers of training in the Tram and Tramway environment.  You will be able to identify the training requirements within your own area of responsibility and be able to explain how this aligns to the organisation's overall strategy for training and development.  You will know and understand the reasons why an organisation may want to work with an external supplier of training and be able to search for and compare those identified to confirm that they meet the quality requirements and needs of the organisation.   You will know and understand your organisation's procedures relating to establishing, maintaining, and amending an external supplier agreement and be able to review an agreement to confirm it meets the requirements of your organisation.  You will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the training within your own area of responsibility and report any issues identified in line with your organisation's requirements.

This standard is for those who work in a training role at supervisor level in the Tram and Tramway environment.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

​P1        identify the training which will be required to be delivered by external suppliers in the Tram and Tramway environment

P2        identify and compare external suppliers of training and confirm they can provide the required training

P3        confirm the external supplier of training and the trainers provided by the external supplier meet the quality requirements and needs of your own organisation

P4        provide relevant information relating to the proposed training required by your organisation to the external supplier

P5        respond to questions from external suppliers of training regarding the proposed training requirements

P6        review the proposed training agreement and confirm it meets organisational requirements

P7        confirm training agreements have been issued and signed in line with organisational requirements

P8        identify when amendments to training agreements are required and seek approval for amendments in line with organisational procedures

P9        communicate amendments to training agreements in line with organisational procedures

P10    evaluate the effectiveness of an external supplier of training within your own area of responsibility

P11    confirm all records and reports are completed in line with your organisation's procedures

P12    report any identified issues in line with organisational procedures

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

K1        the **reasons** why your organisation may choose to work with an external supplier of training K2        how your own area of responsibility relates to the organisation's overall strategy for training and development K3        the different methods and techniques for identifying and comparing external suppliers of training K4        the principles of developing a specification for an external supplier of training K5        your organisation's procedures relating to establishing and maintaining external supplier contracts and agreements K6        the types of circumstances when training agreements are required to be amended K7        how to adapt and change training and development plans when training agreements are amended K8        the relevant principles of information confidentiality (including how information relating to training should be stored and communicated) set by your organisation K9        the style and content of a training agreement in the Tram and Tramway environment K10    the lines and methods of communication relating to training agreements within your organisation K11    the different methods and techniques for evaluating the effectiveness of an external supplier of training K12     the relevant organisational procedures for reporting and recording information relating to training by external suppliers


Scope Performance

​P2        Compare may include; quality, reliability, cost, service, availability, capacity, financial condition, willingness to share information, longer-term relationship potential.

P3        Quality requirements may include; confidentiality requirements, training and qualification (e.g. Personal Track Safety).  Needs may include; location, facilities, time (day release, block release).

P4        Information may include; specification requirements, question and answer.

Scope Knowledge

​K1        Reasons may include; cost, convenience, specialist facilities, quality assurance, regulatory requirements.






Tramcars, tram vehicle, and any other rail vehicles that operate on tramways. It includes one or more trams coupled together and includes non-passenger-carrying vehicles.

* *

Tramway environment

Includes the tramway (a set of rails, switches and crossings which form the route of a Tram), infrastructure (fixed assets used for the running of the Tram transport system, including, the tramway, bridges, tunnels, stops, stations and fixed equipment for signalling, communications and electrification), depots, stabling yards.

External Suppliers of Training

Includes organisations which may provide training which is outsourced, short courses, mandatory, safety critical, specialised and leads to a recognised qualification.

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Driver Trainer, Driving Instructor

SOC Code



Tram, Tramway, suppliers, training