Operate and control a Tram vehicle safely and efficiently

Business Sectors (Suites): Tram and Light Rail Driving
Developed by: UK Tram
Approved on: 2020


This standard is about how you operate and control a Tram vehicle safely and efficiently.  You must be able to drive your vehicle efficiently and safely, making sure your customers are comfortable and safe and you follow all the relevant signals, rules, regulations and instructions.  You should be able to drive on the different types of Tramway on your route. You should know and understand your organisation's procedures for stopping at, and moving off from, designated Tram stops.  You will also be able to monitor and maintain your progress against the operating schedule ensuring the Tram follows a timetable schedule and any variations are dealt with in line with organisational procedures. This standard comprises of three elements: 1.          Drive the Tram vehicle safely and efficiently 2.          Operate the Tram vehicle at stops 3.          Monitor and maintain progress against the operating schedule This standard is for anyone who drives Tram vehicles.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

** ** **Drive the Tram vehicle safely and efficiently** 1        carry out **pre-commencement activities** in line with your organisation's procedures 2        commence Tram movements smoothly and safely while considering customers, other road users including pedestrians and cyclists. 3        operate and control the Tram vehicle in a way that does not put **others** at risk 4        use audible warning systems as appropriate 5        regulate the speed and position of your Tram vehicle in a way that is appropriate to the current conditions and complies with relevant speed limits 6        respond to actual and potential **hazards** in line with your organisation's procedures 7        respond to signs and signals in line with your organisation's procedures 8        respond to in-cab warning indications in line with organisation's procedures 9        meet all relevant legal requirements and your organisation's procedures relating to operating and controlling Tram vehicles safely and efficiently
**Operate the tram vehicle at stops** 10    stop the vehicle smoothly and safely in the correct position 11    comply with signs, signals and directions relating to entering and exiting stops 12    carry out **platform checks** as required 13    pick up and drop off customers safely 14    move off smoothly and safely, taking into account the safety of customers, pedestrians, other vehicles. ** **
**Monitor and maintain progress against the operating schedule** 15    make schedules stops in line with the operating schedule 16    respond variations to the tram schedule in line with your organisation's procedures 17    report deviations or potential deviations to the operating schedule to the **relevant person(s)** ** **

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

** ** **Drive the Tram vehicle safely and efficiently** 1        how your driving style affects the comfort and safety of your customers 2        how your driving style affects how efficiently the Tram vehicle runs 3        the **relevant laws and regulations** relating to driving 4        the relevant signs and signals and how you must respond to them in line with your organisation's procedures 5        the route you are driving, including speed limits 6        the types of distractions that can occur whilst driving 7        the types of warning systems and devices and their meaning in the Tram and Tramway environment 8        how to drive on differing track conditions 9        how to drive in different weather conditions 10    the importance of line of sight when driving a Tram vehicle 11    how to recognise and anticipate hazards and how to respond to them 12    the purpose and location of the obstacle deflector 13    the importance of being vigilant and alert at all times
**Operate the tram vehicle at stops** 14    the relevant legislation and your organisation's procedures relating to moving off and stopping 15    how to recognise, and adapt to dangerous situations relating to moving off or stopping 16    how to adapt your driving style to suit different customers, particularly those with disabilities and particular requirements, especially when moving off or stopping 17    the signs, signals and directions relating to entering and exiting stops and how to respond to them in line with your organisation's procedures 18    the importance of carrying out platform checks 19    the effects of track condition and the weather when moving off or stopping ** **
**Monitor and maintain progress against the operating schedule** 20    how to interpret timetables and schedules 21    the organisation's procedures for monitoring and maintaining progress against the operating schedule 22    the effects of weight/customer numbers on tram performance 23    how to minimise delays and disruptions


        Performance Scope

1        **Pre-commencement activities** may include; walk round check, ****authority to take a tram, setting up the tram cab, setting correct customer information displays. 3******       ** **Others** may include; customers, pedestrians, members of the general public, other road users (vehicles, cyclists). 6**       ** **Hazards** may include; pedestrians, pedestrian crossings, footpaths running parallel, trackside foliage, cyclists, trackside work parties, ****other vehicles, rubbish and debris. 12     **Platform checks** may include; for vulnerable persons, trap and drag obstructions, intending passengers, surfers. 17     **Relevant person(s)** may include; control centre, Revenue Protection staff, mobile staff.

          Knowledge Scope

3        **R****elevant laws and regulations** may include; Road Traffic Act, highway code, standard operating procedures.

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge






This includes those who are travelling, have the intention of travelling or are assisting others to travel.  It may also include members of the general public who are or may be affected by the operational service.

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Transport Drivers and Operatives

SOC Code



Tram, Light Rail, Driving, Stopping, Starting, Points