Communicate effectively in the Tram and Tramway environment

Business Sectors (Suites): Tram and Light Rail Driving,Tram Engineering,Tramway Engineering
Developed by: UK Tram
Approved on: 2020


This standard is about being able to communicate effectively in the tram and tramway environment.  You will understand how to communicate accurate and concise information effectively and at the correct time and using the required methods to a range of audiences.  You will be able to communicate with your colleagues in a positive way that helps you and them to work efficiently and effectively.  This means that you will be able to obtain and give information in written, verbal or electronic formats as required to your work.  You will also be able to ensure the information meets your needs and the needs of your colleagues.  You will know the limits of your authority and responsibility relating to receiving and giving of information.  You will know how to get help to sort out any problems you have in communicating with colleagues. You will also be able to communicate with your customers in a way which meets customer expectations and promotes good customer service.  You must be able to pick out key information in what a customer is saying and respond with relevant, accurate information using language a customer will understand.  You will understand the barriers that may exist and be able to adapt your communications style to overcome these. You will also know how you conduct safety critical communications in your role.  You must be able to provide accurate and timely operational information, including responding to unpanned events appropriately. This standard consists of three elements: 1.          Communicate with colleagues 2.          Communicate with customers 3.          Conduct safety critical communications This standard is for those who work in the Tram and Tramway environment.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

** ** ** ** ** ** **Communicate with colleagues** 1        obtain the information you need from colleagues following your organisational procedures 2        give information to colleagues that is relevant and will meet their needs 3        communicate information in a format that is relevant to your work and the information required 4        confirm that you are authorised to give the information you provide 5        obtain help in cases where you have difficulty in communicating with your colleagues
**Communicate with customers** 6        recognise the signs and signals that someone may use to attract attention in the Tram and Tramway environment 7        **actively listen** to what the customer is saying 8        respond to customer requests for information in line with organisational procedures 9        take the initiative to communicate to customers when things are not going to plan 10    communicate information, which is relevant and where technical jargon is kept to a minimum 11    adapt communication methods to suit individual customers or the situation ** **
**Conduct safety critical communications** 12    provide timely, accurate and concise operational and emergency information in the Tram and Tramway environment in line with your organisation's procedures 13    use **organisational protocols** for delivery of safety critical communications 14    confirm communications are received and understood by the intended audience ** **


Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

** ** ** ** ** ** **Communicate with colleagues** 1        the need for accurate and relevant information to be communicated within the workplace 2        the different **methods of communication** and when it is and isn't relevant to use them 3        the limits of your authority relating to the information you can provide 4        the types of confidential information in use and your organisations procedures for handling this information 5        the **methods** for ensuring verbal communication has been received and understood 6        the importance of checking that information has been received and understood 7        how to identify and deal with weaknesses with your own communication skills
**Communicate with customers** 8        how effective communication can meet **customer** **expectations** ****and give a positive impression of the industry 9        how to actively listen to customers and identify the key points of what is being said 10    the importance of being polite and respectful to customers 11    the importance of speaking clearly, using words that customers can understand 12    the potential **barriers** to communication 13    the importance of meeting customer expectations ** **
**Conduct safety critical communications** 14    the different **types** of safety critical communication and when they are used 15    the language and terminology to use during safety critical communications 16    the importance of confirming the message has been received and understood by the intended audience 17    the organisational rules and procedures in place for conducting safety critical communications ** **


        Performance Scope

7        **Actively listen** may include; paying attention to the speaker, the words and the body language, show that you are listening, respond appropriately, summarise what has been heard.  13     **Organisational** **protocols** may include; using phenetic alphabet, following radio procedures, PA (Public Address) procedures, smart watches procedures, mobile phone procedures, emergency call procedures, repeating and rephrasing key information.

          Knowledge Scope

2        Methods of communication may include; face to face, hand/arm signals, radio, PA (Public Address) system, phone, text, skype, facetime, email.

5        Methods may include; speaking clearly, using the phenetic alphabet, making eye contact, using hand gestures, asking questions, repeating, rephrasing.

8        Customer e*xpectations* may include; what customers expects to see and hear before, during and after a Tram journey, what customers are told by the organisation, what has happened to customers previously when using a Tram or interacting with the Tramway environment.

12     B*arriers* may include; language, physical (hearing or speech difficulties) differences in perception/viewpoints, cultural differences, emerging technology, isolated cab environment, emergency contact points.

14     Types may include; emergency, operational, coordination of activities between teams e.g. handover.

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge






Colleague(s) include your co-workers, trainees, supervisors or managers, or someone who has a relationship with your organisation in order to help it provide its service, such as suppliers and contractors. They may also be known as internal customers.

* *


This includes those who are travelling, have the intention of travelling or are assisting others to travel.  It may also include members of the general public who are or may be affected by the operational service.

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Transport Drivers and Operatives

SOC Code



Tram, Tramway, communication, safety, colleague, customer