Contribute to health and safety in the Tram and Tramway environment

Business Sectors (Suites): Tram and Light Rail Driving
Developed by: UK Tram
Approved on: 2020


This standard is about contributing to health and safety in the Tram and Tramway environment by making sure you comply with the relevant healthy and safe working practices, including safe systems of work.  You will also understand your own role and responsibilities in relation to health and safety as well as those of your organisation.  You will understand how to keep your work environment safe and the procedures to follow if a breach in health and safety is suspected or has occurred. It is also about understanding the ways in which you can contribute to health and safety and the policies and procedures which ensure a safe and healthy work environment. This standard is for those who work in the Tram and Tramway environment.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1        confirm the work environment is, as far as possible, free from hazards

2        warn others when hazardous situations arise

3        adhere to safe systems of work when on or near a Tram vehicle or Tramway environment

4        comply with relevant legal and organisational procedures and requirements relating to health and safety in the Tram and Tramway environment

5        report any breaches to health and safety to the relevant person(s)

6        complete the required documents and process them in line with your organisation's procedures


Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

1        the relevant legal and organisational procedures relating to health and safety at work

2        the responsibilities of the employee in relation to health and safety at work

3        the responsibilities of the employer in relation to health and safety at work

4        your organisation's health and safety policies and procedures

5        the person(s) within your organisation with health and safety responsibilities

6        the ways in which health and safety information is communicated and monitored in the workplace

7        the difference between a hazard and a risk

8        the types of hazards found in the Tram and Tramway environment

9        your organisation's procedures for dealing with hazardous situations

10    how environmental conditions can impact on safe working practices

11    the importance of being alert to what is happening in or around the workplace

12     the relevant health and safety documentation completion requirements within your organisation


        Performance Scope

1        H*azards* may include; trip, slip, contamination, COSHH, traffic, pedestrians, needles.

3        S*afe systems of work* may include; authorised access/egress points, authorised walking routes, safety signs, barriers/barrier tape, lights, first aid points, fire assembly, walking to and from a vehicle, communication/warning arrangements, safety zones, tramway possession and protection arrangements.

4        L*egal and* organisation's procedures and requirements may include; ergonomic working, moving and manual handling, Personal Protective Equipment, working time and breaks, lone working, Personal Track Safety, other mandatory training as appropriate.

          Knowledge Scope

1        L*egal and* organisation's procedures **may include; ergonomic working, moving and manual handling, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), working time and breaks, lone working, Personal Track Safety (PTS).

7        H*azards* may include; trip, slip, contamination, COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health), traffic, pedestrians, needles.

9        E*nvironmental conditions* may include; darkness/low lighting levels, excessive glare, extreme weather conditions such as ice/snow/high winds, noise.

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Transport Drivers and Operatives

SOC Code



Tram, Tramway, safety, health, hazards