Process flat work through calenders

Business Sectors (Suites): Textile Care Services
Developed by: UKFT
Approved on: 2023


This standard is for those who plan, prepare and process flat work through calenders. You will also be responsible for checking the completed calendering work meets organisational finishing specifications. 
This standard is for laundry operatives who specialise in calender processing.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

P1 check that the calendering machinery is safe and ready to use when planning your work
P2 check that the item to be processed is suitable for calendering and meets organisational quality standards before calendering
P3 adjust the machinery to suit the item you are to process
P4 operate machines safely and in line with organisational procedures
P5 inspect the item following calendering to ensure it meets the organisation’s finishing specification 
P6 identify items that do not meet the organisational finishing specification standards and direct them to the appropriate locations
P7 carry out additional finishing to items as required
P8 direct items to packing and dispatch
P9 identify any problems that may arise in carrying out the work
P10 report faults in the machine or the finish of items

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

K1 why it is important to identify any possible problems at the work planning stage and why you should report these to your supervisor
K2 how to identify and report faults with items provided for calendering
K3 the specific health and safety risks when using calenders
K4 the correct machinery speeds and settings for different classifications, fibre types and weights 
K5 the specified feeding rate for loading items
K6 how to check belts, feed bands, tapes and wax the calender beds
K7 your role in maintaining the equipment and the limits of this
K8 the organisation’s drying and finishing specification 
K9 how to identify faults or maintenance needs with the equipment and who to report these to
K10 how to make the best use of resources available
K11 statutory responsibilities under health, safety and environmental legislations and regulations during the calendering process


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Creative Skillset

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Textile and Garment Trades, Laundry Operative, Wet Cleaner, Dry Cleaner

SOC Code



Calender; Processing; Flatwork; Safety;