Press and finish textile items following laundry
Business Sectors (Suites): Textile Care Services
Developed by: UKFT
Approved on:
This standard is for those who press and finish textile items using rotary presses, scissor presses or iron and rotary iron. You will also inspect pressed items to confirm these meet the organisation’s finishing quality specification.
This standard is for textile care operatives who specialise in pressing and finishing.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
P1 identify the correct method of pressing or finishing for an item and select the equipment to be used
P2 check that the selected pressing and finishing equipment is safe and ready to use
P3 check and adjust the locking pressure on scissor presses if required
P4 assess the efficiency of the vacuum to be used and correct this if required
P5 press items to the organisation’s finishing specification
P6 inspect items to ensure that they are pressed to organisational quality standards
P7 identify unsatisfactorily pressed items and deal with these in accordance with organisational procedures
P8 pass the satisfactory items over for packaging and dispatch
P9 record details of items pressed and finished in line with organisational procedures
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
K1 the correct pressing and finishing equipment to use for different types of items
K2 how to identify and take action if safety mechanisms malfunction
K3 what the effects of moisture in finishing are and how to deal with unacceptable levels of moisture retention
K4 how to interpret care labels
K5 what the correct steam pressures are for different items
K6 how different textiles respond to heat and pressure
K7 the organisation’s finishing specification for items
K8 how to record throughput of items for pressing and finishing
K9 what the common faults are when pressing and how to deal with them
K10 statutory responsibilities under health, safety and environmental legislation and regulations during the finishing process
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Creative Skillset
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Textile and Garment Trades, Laundry Operative, Wet Cleaner, Dry Cleaner
SOC Code
Pressing; Finishing; Vacuum; Safety; Presses; Iron;