Launder textile items safely by continuous tunnel washing processes

Business Sectors (Suites): Textile Care Services
Developed by: UKFT
Approved on: 2023


This standard is for those who launder textile items using a Continuous Tunnel Washer (CTW).They are also responsible for organising and controlling the wash process in a safe manner. 
This standard is for CTW operatives and supervisors.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

P1 prepare the CTW for use
P2 plan, allocate and classify the loads for washing in the CTW
P3 calculate the correct weight for each classification of load, ensuring the machine is not under or over loaded 
P4 select the programmes for the classification and check that thermostats and temperature gauges have the correct settings
P5 check and calibrate weighting devices when required
P6 operate machinery safely in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions
P7 monitor the washing process, including the process flow and that there is sufficient water for each type of classification 
P8 handle items with care during the CTW process
P9 monitor fault alarms and check for faults from the computer diagnostics
P10 report any machine faults in line with organisational procedures
P11   check that work is being carried out as planned and in line with organisational procedures    
 P12   direct items to the next process following cleaning 
 P13 maintain accurate equipment records for the CTW

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

K1 how the CTW washing process works
K2 operational settings and the range of performance from machines
K3 programme selection, the difference between wash programmes and temperature settings
K4 how to classify loads and why it is important to do this correctly
K5 how over/under loading of the CTW can occur and the problems this can cause
K6 what can cause blockages and why constant monitoring of the CTW is necessary
K7 common faults with CTW’s
K8 the problems caused by high and low dip levels
K9 how to carry out routine machine maintenance in line with organisational procedures
K10 how to check and calibrate weighing devices and why you must keep test weights for this
K11 how to stop a malfunctioning CTW
K12 why it is important to identify any possible problems at the work planning stage and when to report these to your supervisor
K13 how to identify faults and malfunctions, the actions to take and who to report these to
K14 when and how to disinfect the CTW
K15 the risk assessments in place for operating the CTW
K16 statutory responsibilities under health, safety and environmental legislation and regulations during the CTW process 
K17 the importance of maintaining accurate equipment records for the CTW


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Creative Skillset

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Textile and Garment Trades, Laundry Operative, Wet Cleaner, Dry Cleaner

SOC Code



Laundry; CTW; Loads; Safety; Faults; Procedures;