Classify textile items and make up loads for cleaning
Business Sectors (Suites): Textile Care Services
Developed by: UKFT
Approved on:
This standard is for those who prepare textile items and make up loads for cleaning using any of the cleaning methods; laundry and/or wet cleaning and/or dry cleaning.
This standard if for laundry operatives, wet cleaning operatives and dry cleaning operatives
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
P1 handle items to be cleaned with care and remove those which are unsuitable for the cleaning process
P2 redirect items that are unsuitable for the cleaning process
P3 identify and remove any foreign objects from the item prior to processing in line with organisational procedures
P4 identify items requiring stain removal processing
P5 sort items according to their classifications to make up loads
P6 make up loads to the correct weight, label and store in order of priority of processing
P7 deal with foul and infected items within the loads in line with regulatory and organisational procedures
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
K1 how to identify and handle items for cleaning
K2 the importance of removing items unsuitable for cleaning before processing
K3 classification of loads and the correct weight of loads required for the weight capacity of machines
K4 why different types of items need different weight loads
K5 how to prioritise loads for processing
K6 how to interpret care labels
K7 the different fibres, fabrics and textile finishes of items and how this affects processing
K8 the construction of items and how this affects the cleaning method used
K9 the importance of identifying delicate or sensitive items
K10 the importance of work priorities and sequencing
K11 how to store loads safely prior to cleaning
K12 how to deal with foreign objects in items in line with organisational guidelines
K13 regulations and organisational procedures for dealing with foul and infected items
K14 regulations and organisational procedures for dealing with specialist sector items such as healthcare, food hygiene and specialist workwear
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Creative Skillset
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Textile and Garment Trades, Laundry Operative, Wet Cleaner, Dry Cleaner
SOC Code
Laundry; Wet cleaning; Dry cleaning; Loads; Sorting; Care labels; Classification