Remove stains on textile items through cleaning processes

Business Sectors (Suites): Textile Care Services
Developed by: UKFT
Approved on: 2023


This standard is for those who inspect items and detect stains and use chemicals or detergents to remove stains. This may be for items being wet or dry cleaned.
This standard is for textile care operatives who specialise in stain removal.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

P1 prepare the work station for stain treatment and/or removal, item inspection and pre-spotting
P2 identify fabric fibres and the correct method for removing stains from the item prior to treatment
P3 identify staining type or possible type using feel, odour, colour, appearance and location
P4 test delicate items and accessories before treatment
P5 ensure delicate items and accessories are protected during treatment procedures
P6 correctly identify wet side and dry side staining  
P7 correctly identify protein, albumen and tannin staining 
P8 test the item to check for colour fastness to spotting reagents and chemicals 
P9 apply and treat the item using wet side and dry side proprietary chemicals
P10 select and use the correct method to remove stains from items without damaging the fabric 
P11 safely flush out applied chemicals or detergents from the item
P12 safely handle contaminated, blood stained or unpleasant soiled items in line with organisational procedures
P13 inspect the item following stain removal to ensure it meets organisational quality standards 
P14 ensure the work station is cleaned and prepared correctly between treatments 

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

K1 how to operate stain removal equipment
K2 the difference between cold spotting and steam spotting tables 
K3 the importance of using dedicated pre-spotting tables
K4 why it is important to maintain the cleanliness of the work station between treatments
K5 the correct steam, water, air pressure and lighting requirements to carry out stain removal 
K6 the requirements of ventilation air extraction during stain removal processing
K7 the differences between; absorbed staining, built up staining and compound staining 
K8 the objectives and limitations of stain removal
K9 the definition of pre-spotting 
K10 the risks associated with the dry-cleaning of items containing water after wet side removal treatments or slab spotting
K11 how to interpret care labels
K12 why certain stains need additional treatment or special precautions
K13 the properties of main fibres used in fabrics
K14 the problems that may arise when different fabric/fibre types and construction, trimmings and accessories are brought into contact with certain chemicals
K15 the tests used to identify fabrics and fibres
 K16   the different methods used for stain removal including: mechanical action, dissolving , softening and lubrication, digestion and chemical reaction
K16 correct use of stain removal chemicals, their limitations and other stain removal techniques
K17 the personal protection measures to follow when using hazardous chemicals
K18 how to identify hazardous substances
K19 how to safely dispose of hazardous substances following use
K20 the organisational quality standards for stain removal 
 K21  statutory responsibilities under health, safety and environmental legislation and regulations during the stain treatment process


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Creative Skillset

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Textile and Garment Trades, Laundry Operative, Wet Cleaner, Dry Cleaner

SOC Code



Laundry; Wet cleaning; Dry cleaning; Staining; Spotting;Chemicals; Safety; Fabrics; Fibres;