Produce and load the warp

Business Sectors (Suites): Manufacturing Textile and Sewn Products
Developed by: UKFT
Approved on: 2020


This standard is about producing and loading warps as part of producing finished weaver’s beams.

This includes selecting and preparing the raw material yarn, carrying out operations, loading the warp, checking to ensure the correct yarn and correct count is used, carrying out handover operations, and following agreed procedures.

This standard is for those who produce and load the warp.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. select materials for warp in line with dockets and tickets
  2. organise work area to meet warp preparation requirements
  3. make sure work area is clean and safe at all times
  4. check that equipment and tools are in good working order and are ready for use
  5. select the correct yarn as identified on weaving tickets
  6. carry out approved checks to ensure correct yarn specification
  7. report products which do not conform to specifications to the appropriate person
  8. carry out warping processes to meet specifications
  9. carry out the beaming processes to meet specifications
  10. apply chemicals and additives when required
  11. ensure correct endage of sections or tapes is achieved
  12. forward finished section warps, tapes or weavers beams to designated places in line with requirements
  13. load warp sheets to match setts pre-loaded on looms when required
  14. ensure loaded warp sheets meet specifications
  15. protect products from damage and contamination at all times during production
  16. place leasers in warp beams in line with requirements
  17. remove warps to ensure seamless loading onto looms
  18. handle products with care in accordance with agreed procedures
  19. confirm and record finished products are correct to specification
  20. record warp details for future reference following agreed procedures
  21. identify and isolate imperfect yarn following agreed procedures
  22. stored finish products in agreed locations following approved procedures
  23. carry out handover operations in line with approved procedures

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. how to receive and follow work instructions, making use of the information supplied
  2. how to plan work activities to maintain continuity of operations
  3. the yarn count, colour, fold, composition, quality and quantity
  4. how to check the yarn is the correct count, fold, composition and colour
  5. the difference between yarn characteristics
  6. the importance of using correct yarn thicknesses
  7. where finished section warps, tapes or weavers beams can be forwarded to including to storage or to looms for loading
  8. the effects of wastage on operations and sustainability
  9. how to protect products from damage and contamination during production
  10. the importance of accurate stock yarn records, and the process of processing residue yarn
  11. the purpose of chemicals and additives including lubricants and when to apply them
  12. the safe working practices and organisational procedures
  13. how to resolve problems within the work area, and within limits of personal responsibility
  14. how your specific work activities relate to the whole process and the limits of own responsibility
  15. the importance of effective communication with colleagues, the lines of communication, authority and reporting procedures
  16. the organisation's rules, codes and guidelines including timekeeping and personal hygiene
  17. the organisation's quality standards
  18. own organisation's ethical and sustainability policies
  19. the types of records kept, how they are completed and the importance of accuracy
  20. how to comply with instructions, equipment operating procedures and manufacturers' instructions
  21. statutory responsibilities under health, safety and environmental legislation and regulations


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Creative Skillset

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Crafts, Creative Arts and Design, Design Associate Professionals, Manufacturing Technologies, Textile and Garment Trades

SOC Code



Warp; loom; weave; yarn; manufacture;