Improve own efficiency, quality and work practice

Business Sectors (Suites): Manufacturing Textile and Sewn Products
Developed by: UKFT
Approved on: 30 Mar 2020


This standard is about improving and maintaining own work standards and practice.

This includes managing own time, seeking help and feedback from others, reporting difficulties, identifying improvements to own performance, or opportunities for further training and developing learning and skills. 

This standard is for those who seek to improve the standard of work expected of them, learn new skills, and apply new work methods to work activities.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. manage your own work to meet outputs and timelines
  2. report difficulties in maintaining work standards to appropriate people
  3. seek advice about how to improve efficiency and quality from appropriate people
  4. seek help from other people to improve existing skills
  5. identify realistic and achievable improvements to your work performance related to product efficiency and quality
  6. ask questions to develop your understanding of the wider department
  7. seek opportunities for and undertake relevant training
  8. apply new knowledge and skills to work activities
  9. work with colleagues to learn new skills and work methods
  10. receive and use feedback from appropriate people to improve own work practice and skills
  11. complete and store accurate records and documentation about improving own work practice

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. how to receive, interpret and follow work instructions, making use of the information supplied
  2. the job description relating to the job role and the overall aim of working practices
  3. how to identify whether your work is up to standard or not
  4. the appropriate sources of support to develop skills
  5. how to make use of available training and learning opportunities
  6. how to work constructively with others when learning
  7. how to make effective use of both positive and negative feedback
  8. how to make use of new skills and knowledge in your normal work activities
  9. how department procedures contribute towards overall efficiency and quality
  10. the importance of quality and its relation to the end user or customer
  11. how to request access to further learning and training
  12. how your specific work activities relate to the whole process and limits of own responsibility
  13. the lines of communication and the importance of effective communication with colleagues
  14. the organisational structure and the overall aim of working departments
  15. the organisation's rules, codes and guidelines including ethical and sustainability policies
  16. the types of development records kept, how they are completed and the importance of accuracy
  17. the importance of complying with instructions
  18. statutory responsibilities under health, safety and environmental legislation and regulations


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date

30 Mar 2025





Originating Organisation

Creative Skillset

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Crafts, Creative Arts and Design, Design Associate Professionals, Manufacturing Technologies, Textile and Garment Trades

SOC Code



Standards; practices; quality; activities; learning