Operate safely and securely when working online
This standard is about operating safely when conducting online searches and information gathering.
It involves maintaining safe practices, and using safe browser settings. It includes blocking unwanted pop ups and advertisements, managing the extent of website tracking and managing strong unique passwords across websites that require user login.
This standard is for those who need to operate safely during online working to meet their own needs or as part of their duties.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
Follow organisational procedures to share information securely when working online
Review software application access privileges and password authentication requirements carefully prior to installation on digital devices
Keep browser software updated to maintain online privacy and security resilience in line with organisational standards
Block browser pop-ups by turning them off in browser settings
Use ad blockers to stop webpages showing unwanted advertisements
Set do-not-track requests to websites to prevent them collecting or tracking browsing data
Clear web browser cache regularly to limit data tracking
Manage cookies when browsing websites to prevent unwanted data gathering
Use a password manager to implement, maintain and oversee the adoption of unique strong passwords for user authenticated websites
Check that antivirus protection is up to date in line with organisational procedures
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- That a digital footprint is data left by online activity, including search history and websites/social media platforms visited, uploaded photos and information sent to online services
- The implications of sharing personal information online
- Why websites track browsing activity
- Understand browser security features and how to use them
- The dangers of using the same or similar passwords across websites
- What is meant by unique strong passwords
- The role of cookies in tracking browsing activity
- The need to manage cookies when browsing websites
- How to identify websites as secure
- When personal information may be stored by devices
- That website software can personalise online experiences and target advertisements
- The key rights available under data protection law
- The importance of maintaining up-to-date antivirus software protection