Send and receive e-mails

Business Sectors (Suites): IT Users
Developed by: e-skills
Approved on: 2022


This standard is about sending and receiving email to communicate with others using an email software application. This involves composing, editing, sending and receiving emails and includes understanding how to apply a range of essential e-mail software tools to send, receive and store messages as part of straightforward or routine communication activities.

The activities associated with sending and receiving e-mails include; composing, formatting and spell-checking e-mail, sending e-mail, and receiving and managing incoming e-mail.

This standard is for those who need to send and receive e-mail as part of their duties. This standard is for those who need to send and receive e-mails to meet their own needs or as part of their duties.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. Create an email account to send and receive e-mails

  2. Add password protection to an email account to maintain privacy and security

  3. Use e-mail software tools to compose and format e-mail messages

  4. Attach files to e-mail messages 

  5. Send e-mail messages to individual or multiple e-mail recipients in line with requirements

  6. Use an e-mail address book to store and retrieve contact information

  7. Follow organisational guidelines and procedures for using e-mail ethically and responsibly

  8. Open and reply to e-mail messages in line with organisational procedures

  9. Organise, store and delete incoming e-mail messages to manage them effectively

  10. Respond appropriately to common e-mail problems

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. The terminology and main concepts relating to e-mailing messages
  2. The need to use an appropriate email address as part of online identity
  3. How to use e-mail software tools and techniques to send and receive messages
  4. How to stay safe and respect others when using e-mail
  5. How to compose, format and spell check e-mail
  6. How to send e-mail using email tools for addressees using To, cc, reply, reply all and forward features
  7. How to manage incoming email effectively
  8. How to avoid inappropriate disclosure of personal information
  9. What is meant by e-mail netiquette
  10. How to respect confidentiality when using e-mail
  11. How to identify when and how to respond to e-mail messages
  12. How to identify which e-mail messages to delete, keep or archive and when to do so
  13. How to identify and respond to routine e-mail problems including message size, unsafe messages from SPAM, junk, chain-mails, or 'phishing' sources


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





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Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

ODAG Consultants Ltd.

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

ICT for Users

SOC Code


