Carry out business change feasibility assessments

Business Sectors (Suites): IT(Business Analysis and Change)
Developed by: e-skills
Approved on: 2023


This standard is about carrying out business change feasibility assessments.

IT business analysts apply structured approaches to identify business problems, and investigate, analyse and communicate requirements to improve processes, systems and services.

Performing a business change feasibility assessment involves defining and evaluating business change options. It includes performing a proof of concept to evaluate the feasibility with respect to the business, technical and financial aspects.

This standard is for those who need to perform business change feasibility assessments as part of their duties.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. Select appropriate techniques to plan business change feasibility assessments
  2. Collaborate with relevant stakeholders to obtain the information required for feasibility assessment
  3. Identify business change options to present to stakeholders

  4. Conduct investigative work to evaluate the business change proposals in line with organisational procedures

  5. Prepare the business case for change proposals to identify financial cost/benefit, technical impact, risks and alignment to business strategy

  6. Document feasibility assessments and recommendations to support organisational decision making

  7. Present feasibility assessments and business cases to stakeholders to evaluate options

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. The need to identify stakeholders and their roles
  2. How to engage with stakeholders to understand the strategic context for business change
  3. How to correctly select feasibility assessment approaches and techniques relevant to the business situation
  4. How to collaborate with stakeholders to gather the required information for feasibility assessments
  5. The methods used to review and select business change options for feasibility assessments
  6. How to identify the range of potential options for feasibility assessment
  7. The steps involved in conducting investigative work to evaluate the business change proposals
  8. How to assess the business, technical and financial aspects of the proposed solution
  9. How to undertake business case development to support business change feasibility assessments
  10. How to apply organisational standards to document feasibility assessments
  11. How to present feasibility assessment outcomes and business cases to stakeholders


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

ODAG Consultants Ltd.

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Information and Communication Technology Professionals

SOC Code



Business analysis, business change, feasibility assessment