Develop sound production plans

Business Sectors (Suites): Sound Production (Film & TV)
Developed by: ScreenSkills
Approved on: 2017


This Standard is about developing sound plans for productions.  It involves analysing the creative brief, identifying technically feasible options and working parameters, devising viable options and presenting them to decision makers.  It also includes keeping accurate records of what is agreed in relation to sound production plans.

This Standard could apply to anyone who is involved in developing sound production plans.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. analyse creative briefs, their technical implications for sound production and working parameters using information from reliable sources
  2. agree initial ideas and resource requirements which achieve artistic and commercial objectives for sound production with decision makers
  3. identify technically-feasible options for meeting creative briefs, based on available information
  4. select options to realise creative briefs which make the best use of relevant innovations, and which are likely to be supported by decision makers
  5. consult relevant specialists when options and solutions are outside your area of expertise
  6. select options which offer realistic choices between different artistic interpretations and treatments
  7. summarise the main features of sound design ideas and present sufficient information to relevant people to allow decisions to be made
  8. recommend options which allow decision makers a choice between cost-led, and artistic, end results
  9. explain technical issues in ways that enable non-technical people to understand their significance
  10. record the sound production plan and any agreements in expected formats​

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. how to interpret the creative brief and its technical implications
  2. the working parameters for the production and how to determine reliable sources of information about them
  3. the artistic, technical, operational, and budgetary requirements of the creative brief
  4. precedents for meeting the brief, their features, advantages and disadvantages
  5. the impact of frame rates on sound production and the importance of agreeing them at the planning stage
  6. how to develop, evaluate and select options with the greatest potential
  7. how to use creative approaches to achieve artistic and commercial objectives
  8. the type and availability of equipment and facilities required
  9. how to present technical information in ways that enable non-technical people to understand its significance for the creative brief
  10. how to formulate and justify recommendations
  11. who the decision makers are, and how to present information to them constructively, clearly and tactfully and what options decision makers are likely to support
  12. ways of developing and testing new applications, principles or techniques
  13. how to make and keep records of potential improvements to the sound requirements
  14. formats for recording production information​


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Creative Skillset

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Sound Production Professionals (Film & TV)

SOC Code



sound; production; film; tv; plans; brief