Repair and customise accessories for use in a production
This standard is about your ability to repair and customise accessories used as props throughout a production.
It covers the full range of accessories including jewellery and action props where due regard to hygiene and safety legislation will be required and may involve assessment of accessories, rigging and testing accessories, continuity of accessories and maintaining items.
This standard may be applicable to costume supervisors, dedicated jewellery and accessories repair staff, costume assistants and wardrobe assistants.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- identify the production's costume requirements
- assess accessories and decide on the actions to be taken, considering time and function constraints
- follow design specifications to customise existing accessories
- agree the required function of the accessory and any rigging requirements
- work with materials, tools and equipment to carry out repairs and customisation of accessories
- carry out repairs/customisation in good time to ensure accessories are in the required condition when needed
- keep costume staff informed of the repair or customisation of accessories, highlighting any dressing requirements that may affect the look or performance of the repaired or customised item
- promptly report problems in repairing and customising accessories to the relevant authority and take appropriate actions to ensure the performance can continue
- be responsible for the items in your care and keep them safe and secure
- ensure storage and security levels are in line with insurance policy requirements
- ensure confidentially rules and procedures are followed
- communicate clearly with production staff and other relevant departments or individuals
- follow health, safety and COSHH legislation and guidelines at all times
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- the production period, genre, costume requirements and timescales
how to assess items for repair or customisation
the organisational policy for the repair or customisation of accessories
jewellery construction techniques, including how to secure stones in a range of settings
specialist material and finishes
how to use and select the correct tools and equipment for the repair and customisation of accessories
typical faults that can occur with the techniques, processes and tools being used, and the procedures to be undertaken if a fault is identified
the people who must be informed of problems in repairing or customising items the procedures for doing this
relevant insurance policies and security procedures
confidentially rules and procedures
production staff and departments involved and the communication protocol
statutory responsibilities under health, safety and environmental legislation and regulations