Make use of technology support in post production
This Standard is about working with technical support staff to fix, maintain the readiness of and upgrade software and hardware set-up to enable workflow to proceed smoothly. This Standard should apply to anyone who is involved with using hardware and software as part of the workflow for which they may need technology support.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
identify technical demands of projects and types of hardware and
software configuration available from reliable sources
- identify software and hardware configuration needs with which
you will need assistance against a realistic assessment of your
technical skills and expertise
- use reliable information from technical monitoring to anticipate
technical problems that may impact on the feasibility, cost and
duration of work
- recognise faults or technical difficulties that occur at an early
- identify reliable sources of expertise needed to create or remedy
- provide clear briefing to technical colleagues on product technical
requirements and the stages of the workflow
- assess feasibility, cost and time demands against the impact of
faulty hardware or software to the workflow
- record configurations and the effectiveness of solutions in line
with company procedures
- maintain security for files and other materials in line with company
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
the workflow and the principles of the different operations that
occur within it
- the types of equipment required and the weaknesses and the
effects of common faults in it
how internet protocol will impact on format
terminology used by technical support staff
principles of computer and data network configurations
principles of standard and non-standard deliverables, file formats,
digital interconnectivity and elements of audio and video signals
- current viewing standards and current professional, national and
international standards of delivery and expressions of best
practice for the range of platforms and content
susceptibility of quality and formats to variations in equipment
acceptable and unacceptable short cuts and work arounds
communication with technical colleagues and non-technical staff
in other parts of the workflow
- the different types of support available to you and where to obtain
health and safety factors of the equipment and the workplace
company systems for storage, back up and security