Mix recorded sound

Business Sectors (Suites): Post Production
Developed by: ScreenSkills
Approved on: 2017


This Standard is about mixing sound during post-production, also referred to as “re-recording mixing” or “dubbing”. It involves the assessing, selecting, balancing and treatment of sound that has been organised on tracks, to achieve the level, tonal quality, audio image and intelligibility required. This Standard should apply to anyone who is involved with mixing recorded sound in post production.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. carry out an accurate assessment of each characteristic of sound


    1. adjust individual sound tracks so that they have the desired

    intelligibility, position and image in terms of required sound

    1. position and balance sound to achieve desired creative and

    aesthetic effects according to director's or other decision maker's


    1. achieve appropriate transitions between sound and music

    2. control levels of composite signals within technical limits and

    within desired dynamic range

    1. manipulate sound tracks to achieve appropriate level, balance,

    tonal quality, perspective and dynamic range

    1. create sound mixes within time, budget and other production


    1. make critical judgments about, and control, audio quality against

    agreed artistic and technical standards

    1. create mixes which are appropriate to the context in which they

    will be heard

    1. create sound mixes that present the characteristics of individual

    sounds and atmospheric sound in line with briefs

    1. make sure sound files comply with legal limits and standards for

    distribution and delivery

    1. use information from reliable sources to identify and correct any

    problems in creating mixes

    1. interpret suggestions and requests from decision makers in line

    with company procedures

    1. suggest options to decision makers which satisfy both artistic

    requests and the operational requirements of productions

    1. organise components of mixes in suitable ways for later use

    2. check that paperwork is accurate, legible and conforms with

    conventions that will be understood by other mixers, sound

    technicians or studios

    1. explain technical issues in ways that enable non-technical people

    to understand their significance

    1. maintain security for files and other materials in line with company


Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. production requirements, technical and financial

    1. principles of sound editing and how to edit sound using popular

    software programmes

    1. requirements for dynamic range

    2. criteria for evaluating sound mixes as they are created

    3. the context in which mixes will be played, and how to take this into

    account when creating them

    1. the different kinds of sound treatment and equalisation, and how

    to achieve them

    1. the characteristics of tonal quality and perspective, and how to

    achieve them

    1. relevant acoustic principles and how to apply them

    2. characteristics, uses and requirements of mono, stereo and

    surround formats, and how to achieve them

    1. the features and operating characteristics of commonly used

    mixing, ancillary and encoding equipment

    1. the legal limits and standards for sound files for distribution and

    delivery especially in relation to loudness, immersive audio and

    metadata and how to work creatively within them

    1. the importance of audibility of dialogue especially with regards to

    the impaired hearing of an ageing population

    1. effective strategies to enhance dialogue audibility

    2. how to recognise defects in monitoring systems

    3. the director's (or other decision maker's) creative and aesthetic


    1. how to discuss and respond to the decision maker's creative and

    technical requests

    1. how to interpret requests and suggestions in terms of specific

    genre or style of sound mixes

    1. the principles of "stortytelling" as they apply to all forms and


    1. the conventions of different genres and styles of film and


    1. the principles and styles of music and different musical ensembles

    including orchestra, string quartet, rock group, jazz quartet and


    1. how to explain technical issues clearly to non-technical people

    2. company systems for storage, back up and security


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Creative skillset

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Post Production Professionals

SOC Code



Post production; Production; Film; Tv; Sound; Mix; Dubbing