Use music to complement visual material
This Standard is about presenting music so that the audience hear it in the way intended. For incidental music that means enhancing the mood, atmosphere and specific action. For source music it means creating an authentic sound. This Standard should apply to anyone who is involved with using music to complement visual material.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
develop approaches to music with clients that take account of
their vision and ideas
- agree the role of music and what it is to communicate with
appropriate people
develop ideas that help tell the story
choose music that is capable of realising agreed ideas
select material that meets production requirements, including the
intention of the script, and are of a sufficient duration for required
- manipulate sound tracks to achieve level, balance, tonal quality,
perspective and dynamic range that best communicates the
required emotion or acoustic authenticity
create a balance between music and other sound
edit music to fit and complement visual material
make critical judgements about, and control, audio quality against
expected artistic and technical standards
- verify that music works as intended with edited visuals, checking
your findings with colleagues and clients
- check that material is in a format and medium suitable for the
required sound and equipment being used, converting between
formats or media where necessary
- make sure music can be acquired and incorporated within agreed
budget and schedule
- comply with copyright laws and conventions and pass on any
relevant information about material to appropriate people
- maintain security for files and other materials in line with company
keep accurate records of material you use and its sources
return loan material by agreed deadlines and in a condition
acceptable to lenders
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
the client or production requirements, including any script
- the technical and artistic requirements, including any technical
- the timescales, deadlines and other operational constraints of the
- how to collaborate and cooperate with clients in creative
- how to assess audio quality to expected artistic and technical
- how to source music and the impact that this can have on
schedule and budget
sound treatment and equalization
how to manipulate and extend sound
how to calculate timing
characteristics of tonal quality and perspective
the effects of different types of music on mood and emotion
how people hear music in different settings
the differences in quality between live and recorded music and
how to approximate the sound of live performance
- the use of mono, stereo and multichannel sound to realise
creative ideas
- how to create the effects of music in different acoustic
environments and played on different equipment
- the importance of audibility of dialogue especially with regards to
the impaired hearing of an ageing population
how music can affect the clarity of other sound
capabilities of and procedures for using sound recording
- current viewing standards and current professional, national and
international standards of delivery and expressions of best
practice for the range of platforms and content
- what copyright laws and conventions apply, how to get releases
or licences and the impact that these will have on budget
documentation and labelling requirements
company systems for storage, back up and security