Set and manage ongoing client expectations
This Standard is about client handling: maintaining a relationship with clients in which they feel confident about the production or post production process and realistic about what it can achieve within the constraints of time and budget. This Standard could apply to anyone involved with post production.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
behave ethically in your dealings with clients and develop
relationships that demonstrate trust, mutual respect, commitment
and cooperation
- check clients expectations of projects and your part in them are
realistic at the beginning of the project and as it progresses
- use reliable information to determine clients levels of
understanding of processes and related tasks
- help clients understand the workflow and schedule and how they
are affected by their decisions and information they provide
- base your decisions and communication to clients on the needs of
their project and the expertise you can offer on post production
- give clients sufficient information for them to understand the
feasibility and implications of requests for change that they make
- feed-back to clients as soon as possible if things occur which will
affect schedule, budget or quality propose solutions on which you
and clients can agree in terms of cost, process and quality, when
changes or extras are required
- keep records of expectations, conversations and agreed actions
in formats expected by your organisation
- feedback to others inside and outside the organisation, aspects of
client relationships that are relevant to them
- identify opportunities to develop new or existing client
relationships that will benefit your organization
- maintain security of files and other material in line with company
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
clients needs and priorities and how to understand their needs
beyond their initial suggestions
the workflow, schedule and budget
current viewing standards and current professional, national and
international standards of delivery and expressions of best
practice for the range of platforms and content
company criteria and processes for managing client relationships
the benefits and disadvantages of different ways of
communicating with people and how to communicate clearly both
orally and in writing
- how to anticipate changes in clients understanding or
- how to positively communicate necessary adaptations to
agreements and changes to products
- how to present answers to questions and proposals that clients
will understand
- how to identify problems and risks, mitigate risks and what to do
when things go wrong
- how to explain the impact of problems and risks and what is
feasible and what is not
how to involve clients in joint problem solving
how to identify the feasibility and calculate the impact and cost of
changes at different stages of projects
methods of collaborative working
how to act as a moderator between people who take different
points of view
- company systems for storage, back up and security