Cost a project and negotiate with a client

Business Sectors (Suites): Post Production
Developed by: ScreenSkills
Approved on: 01 Jan 2017


This Standard is about obtaining a booking that is beneficial and acceptable to both parties. The manner of negotiation is a combination of professionalism and diplomacy. This Standard could apply to anyone who liaises with clients on potential work.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. clarify your understanding of clients needs using information from

    reliable sources

    1. analyse the benefits for the business for individual projects in line

    with company strategy

    1. use reliable information to estimate available budgets for the

    stage of production with which you are involved

    1. identify possibilities that are technically feasible and within project

    constraints and which are consistent with what clients want to


    1. identify contingencies and additional skills or equipment that may

    be needed from outside sources that are consistent with company


    1. propose costs and schedules that are in line with the benefits to

    be obtained for the business and what the client needs to achieve

    1. propose solutions to clients in ways that show how the features

    and benefits are attractive to them and meet their needs

    1. give clients sufficient time to discuss proposals and their

    implications in full

    1. respond to clients needs and negotiating position with valid

    information, respect for their aspirations and an intention to

    resolve any differences

    1. respond to clients questions and proposals in ways that they will

    2. record, track and follow up on correspondence in line with

    company requirements

    1. agree with clients the work to be done, the timeframe, schedule

    and price in line with company procedures

    1. complete and store contract information in line with company


    1. identify opportunities to offer additional services that will benefit

    clients and your organisation

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. how to understand clients needs beyond their initial requests

    1. company strategy in terms of profitability, company profile

    (reputation) and developing or maintaining relationships with


    1. project constraints including cost, required deliverables, timing

    and available resources

    1. company policy and conventions for costing projects including

    rates for creative input

    1. what can be offered that gives clients ‘added value

    2. skills and equipment that can be sourced externally and company

    policy in relation to obtaining them

    1. current viewing standards and current professional, national and

    international standards of delivery and expressions of best

    practice for the range of platforms and content

    1. how to identify and balance your criteria for accepting projects

    such as profit, increased reputation, sufficient time to do a good

    job, working for particular people

    1. workflow planning and choice of workflow

    2. problems and risks associated with different kinds of project and

    approach and how to plan for contingencies

    1. technical capabilities and the creative contribution that the people

    available can make to projects

    1. who to consult for further information or guidance on different

    types of project and technical requirements

    1. techniques of negotiation

    2. when it is appropriate to advise clients to use more cost effective

    alternative services

    1. company requirements for record keeping and contract


    1. company systems for storage, back up and security


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date

31 Jan 2020





Originating Organisation

Creative skillset

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Post Production Professionals

SOC Code



Post production; Production; Film; Tv; Client; Negotiation