Source materials and items for dressing sets

Business Sectors (Suites): Production Design
Developed by: ScreenSkills
Approved on: 2022


​This standard is about agreeing which materials and items meet set dressing requirements and then obtaining them.

It is about analysing set dressing requirements and other information about the visual style required to identify the most suitable materials. It involves preparing proposals for obtaining the materials, agreeing those with the decision makers and preparing detailed specifications for suppliers or makers of set dressings. 

It involves monitoring the suppliers' progress to anticipate problems and meet production deadlines. Finally, it is also about preparing documentation and making these available to the relevant parties.

This standard is relevant to those working as a Production buyer or an Assistant Art director.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. ​select the types of materials and items to meet the visual style required within the budget
  2. consider environmental impact and sustainability of materials and items selected and used
  3. inform decision makers when requirements look to exceed the budget
  4. produce specifications of materials and items for supplies and makers to meet requirements
  5. present proposals for materials and items to decision makers and record agreement and decisions made
  6. brief selected suppliers and manufacturers on the requirements
  7. check with suppliers the progress of materials and items to meet delivery deadlines
  8. assess the availability of readymade set dressings, and arrange for their purchase and delivery to meet production deadlines
  9. check and confirm materials and items received against the agreed specifications
  10. suggest alternatives to decision makers when it is not possible to meet the requirements within budgets and deadlines,
  11. deal with problems and difficulties with supply to meet production deadlines
  12. work collaboratively with suppliers to meet production deadlines
  13. complete and store records

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. ​how to determine the materials, items and set dressing requirements to meet the design brief
  2. sources of information about visual style
  3. the methods for determining the type and quantity of materials and items required
  4. who the relevant decision makers are
  5. how to prepare specifications of materials and items
  6. how to present proposals to decision makers
  7. procedures and requirements for recording agreements and briefing suppliers and manufacturers
  8. lead times required by suppliers
  9. how to confirm the availability of materials and items
  10. types of supply problems and ways of dealing with them
  11. suppliers' and customers' legal and contractual obligations for the supply of materials and items


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Arts, Media and Publishing, Associate Professionals and Technical Occupations, Crafts, Creative Arts and Design, Design Associate Professionals, Media and Communication

SOC Code



source materials; items; dressing; sets; requirements; visual; style; proposals; specifications; suppliers; production; deadlines;