Supervise the edit of TV productions

Business Sectors (Suites): Production (FILM and TV)
Developed by: ScreenSkills
Approved on: 31 Mar 2019


This Standard involves supervising the edit of a television progamme.  This could be for the complete series, individual programme or inserts to be incorporated.

It is about working with the on-line and off-line editors and the dubbing mixer, ensuring all clearances are in place. It also involves working collaboratively with senior personnel to ensure the desired vision is achieved in the final product. You will need to take on board both the technical needs of the post-production team as well as the creative requirements of the production.

You may not have the time or resources to prepare a paper edit. You will therefore have to have other documentation in place to refer to during this process.You will also need to know the differences in clearances for using programme music and title music.

You will need to check durations and timings if you are working with inserts and liaise closely with the Series Producer and editor. This Standard is for Production Managers and Line Producers.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. identify content of all relevant view rushes and takes 

  2. select and log interviews and actuality that meet requirements

  3. compile relevant documentation to refer to throughout the edit 

  4. work with post production team members to meet post production requirements 

  5. exchange information with post production team members at appropriate times

  6. liaise with the channel or commissioner throughout the edit process

  7. ensure that selected voice over take fits the picture in both duration and tone, without deviating from the agreed script

  8. ensure commentary scripts are of the required content and length 

  9. give graphic designers accurate information about requirements for opening titles, credits and captions and approve the finished work

  10. write realistic and appropriate publicity material 

  11. check content for compliance with legal, ethical and regulatory codes, and with the broadcaster’s requirements

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. how to structure the item in a way that best tells the story

  2. the need for relevant preparation and documentation and the financial implications of starting an off-line edit without these

  3. the principles of how the script should complement the pictures

  4. how the tone and style of the programme should be appropriate for the programme genre and transmission slot

  5. when to liaise with the channel or commissioner during the edit process

  6. the use and importance of music in the sound track, and the logistical and financial implications of using different music sources 

  7. know the differences in clearances for using programme music and title music and whether special permissions are required for titles music 

  8. how to oversee a voice over recording session

  9. how to write scripts for commentary both by yourself and with a presenter 

  10. what source material may be needed by the graphic artist 

  11. how to recognise opportunities for publicity stills, copy and online presence 

  12. what information to include in publicity material including billings

  13. the legal and ethical issues that affect broadcast material, and how to seek advice about potentially sensitive material

  14. how to work collaboratively with other people

  15. how to give clear directions whilst being open to other people’s suggestions


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date

30 Mar 2022





Originating Organisation

Screen Skills (formerly Creative Skillset)

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Arts, Media and Publishing, Production Managers, Production Coordinator

SOC Code



Television, Film, Production, Post-Production, Edit