Supervise the post-production process

Business Sectors (Suites): Production (FILM and TV)
Developed by: ScreenSkills
Approved on: 2019


This Standard involves planning, budgeting and monitoring the progress of the post-production schedule.  
It is about liaising closely with the relevant people, and ensuring that they have what they need to work effectively
It involves ensuring that the post-production phase runs smoothly, delegating key activities as appropriate. Knowledge of post production software can be an advantage.
This Standard focuses on the supervisory roles played by production rather than the technical processes under-taken in post-production.

This Standard is for Line Producers, Post Production Co-ordinators and Production Managers.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. plan and agree post-production schedules with appropriate people, identifying the main activities to be completed

  2. plan deliverables to meet partner or broadcaster requirements when working on co-productions

  3. select, negotiate and agree post-production services and crew to meet production requirements

  4. convey the requirements of the original creative brief and script to those involved in post-production  at appropriate times

  5. specify clear outcomes and criteria for editing

  6. monitor post production outputs against stipulated requirements on a regular basis 

  7. monitor financial costs on an ongoing basis

  8. review post production sections of budgets on a regular basis  and make adjustments when required

  9. prepare estimates for costs reports with production accountants when appropriate 

  10. refer to appropriate people when progress is likely to compromise schedule

  11. maintain a network of appropriate contacts to use when faced with problems with post production

  12. confirm post production requirements from crew, suppliers, creative talent and executives at appropriate times

  13. confirm that all procedures for piracy and clearances are adhered to

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the critical path of the post-production process

  2. how to calculate the cost of post production facilities and crew in respect of previously calculated budget parameters

  3. the production deliverables required for co-productions

  4. post-production services and crew including editors, equipment,  soundtrack laying, and dubbing 

  5. how to budget the delivery items properly

  6. any pre-existing relationships between producer or director and the prospective post production crew

  7. the uses of, and the need for, various items required and produced by the post production department

  8. the processes in the production of titles and special effects

  9. the processes of music recording

  10. the procedures of creating digital elements on film

  11. the final delivery elements and formats required

  12. key details of contracts and agreements

  13. the procedures and policies for piracy and clearances and how to ensure these are met

  14. how to monitor progress with the correct level of involvement without antagonising the creative crew

  15. who to refer lack of progress to


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Screen Skills (formerly Creative Skillset)

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Arts, Media and Publishing, Production Managers, Production Coordinator

SOC Code



Television, Film, Production, Post-Production, Supervise