Assist gallery operations and the production of multi-source recorded productions

Business Sectors (Suites): Production (FILM and TV)
Developed by: ScreenSkills
Approved on: 2019


This Standard involves monitoring production activities during recording sessions, and calling correct shot numbers from scripts, in the correct sequence and on time. It is about previewing the next or upcoming shot on source monitors and comparing against script.  
It involves confirming and implementing directors’ instructions for changes to shots, and communicating these clearly to appropriate people.

It is about calculating the duration of each sequence and whole programmes, counting in and out pre-recorded sequences, monitoring timings, identifying any over- or under-runs, and re-calculating timings when there are changes. It involves logging takes and producing accurate edit notes. 

This Standard is for Script Supervisors and Production Co-ordinators.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1. input and upload scripts for use in appropriate sytems 2. prepare camera cards and cues, and check these are correct against production requirements 3. call the correct shot number from scripts in the correct sequence, and on time 4. preview and announce next or upcoming shots on source monitors, comparing them with scripts,  5. give standby warnings to video operators, cueing them when required 6. inform directors without delay if there is any discrepancy between the agreed script and the next or upcoming source 7. confirm and implement directors’ instructions for changes to shots, communicating them to appropriate people 8. perform accurate calculations of the duration of programmes and of each sequence 9. monitor sequence timings throughout programmes to meet production requirements 10. count pre-recorded inserts in and out with accuracy 11. perform an accurate and clear count to fixed points within programmes, which is audible to production and technical teams, performers and contributors 12. carry out an accurate comparison of actual timings to estimates 13. report rehearsal timings and any significant discrepancies to appropriate people 14. recalculate timings when changes are made to programme content and running order 15. calculate the time required to meet overall programme length when programmes include items of flexible length and report calculations to programme personnel without delay 16. monitor performance against script, and notify programme personnel about any discrepancies without delay 17. produce an accurate and legible reference for each take, including accurate and concise details of content and timing for each take, and reasons for any retakes in the log 18. distribute records to appropriate people without delay 19. check that information included in captions, social networking and promotional  material is accurate and relevant

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

1. how to input and upload scripts 2. the importance of camera cards and cues 3. how to identify shots in sequence 4. how to preview upcoming shots in comparison with the script 5. shot calling methods , how to use them to accuracately and audibly call shots 6. how to calculate timings and monitor sequences 7. how to count accurately 8. who to inform of any discrepancies 9. methods of communicating with programme personnel, and how to use them 10. why and how changes affect the programme running time 11. what technical terms to use 12. how to reference takes 13. what information to record 14. how to report discrepancies or changes to the script 15. how to recalculate changes to programme content 16. how to create an accurate account in the log 17. how to produce and distribute edit notes 18. how captions are used and the importance of checking for accuracy when using them 19. how to use social media to create an immediate marketing presence


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Screen Skills (formerly Creative Skillset)

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Arts, Media and Publishing, Production Managers, Production Coordinator

SOC Code



Television, Film, Production, Gallery, Recorded