Manage daily shooting schedules on productions

Business Sectors (Suites): Production (FILM and TV)
Developed by: ScreenSkills
Approved on: 31 Mar 2019


This Standard involves planning the day’s shoot, ensuring that the best use is made of the available time, and that deadlines are met.  
It is about ensuring that overtime is only agreed with prior approval, and that artistes are released on time.

You will need to demonstrate a flexible approach, responding to changes as and when they happen. You will also need to ensure this information is passed to cast and crew in the call sheet and revisions are communicated in a timely manner.

This Standard is for Production Manager or 1st  Assistant Director roles in Drama Productions, and Producers or Directors in Factual Productions.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. plan the day’s shoot to allow for contingencies and options

  2. review arrangements and make adjustments to better meet production requirements

  3. manage the shoot to ensure best use of available time

  4. ensure that all production targets and deadlines are met  

  5. communicate with all relevant departments on a regular basis

  6. ensure that health and safety regulations are adhered to 

  7. deal with urgent matters when they occur and in collaboration with appropriate production personnel 

  8. ensure that overtime is not incurred without reference to line producers or production managers

  9. ensure that artistes and supporting artistes are released on time

  10. confirm that all relevant information is included in the call sheet and further revisions are passed onto cast and crew at appropriate times

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. how Health and Safety requirements impact upon filming activities

  2. the implications of the Working Time Regulations on hours of work and overtime arrangements

  3. the licensing laws governing child working permits, and the appropriate bodies and timescales involved in processing them

  4. contractual arrangements and procedures, legal and ethical requirements, and obligations relating to the engagement of supporting artistes

  5. the types of environmental factors that may affect the use of a location

  6. the targets and deadlines for the production

  7. how to plan for unforeseen contingencies 

  8. how to communicate this information to the cast and crew


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date

30 Mar 2022





Originating Organisation

Screen Skills (formerly Creative Skillset)

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Arts, Media and Publishing, Production Managers, Production Coordinator

SOC Code



Television, Film, Production, Schedule