Co-ordinate activities to support production personnel

Business Sectors (Suites): Production (FILM and TV)
Developed by: ScreenSkills
Approved on: 2019


This Standard involves the day-to-day running of the production office and the various activities necessary to support productions. 

It is about compiling the daily progress report, organising travel and accommodation, and keeping the production team supplied with current information. 

Where child performers are concerned, it also involves liaising with schools and parents, and making appropriate arrangements for chaperones and tutors.

It also requires you to liaise with all departments to determine their particular requirements and then ensure that these are met. 

This Standard is for those working in the production management team.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1. compile daily progress reports using information from relevant departments  2. distribute daily progress reports to all appropriate people 3. organise travel and accommodation for cast and crew to meet requirements 4. confirm that call sheets are distributed as agreed with production office  5. make clear revisions to scripts following any agreed changes distribute these to cast and crew and at appropriate times 6. keep investors, insurance companies and completion bond guarantors supplied with accurate and up-to-date scripts and other pertinent information  7. ensure that appropriate licences are arranged with education authorities for any working children involved with productions 8. confirm availability of cast and crew with relevant agents and ensure they provide any changes to schedules without delay 9. confirm that any necessary clearances have been provided and that any cast members with criminal records are aware of their civil restrictions 10. provide advice to production teams regarding children’s working and tutoring hours and apply for dispensations when required 11. keep a record of children’s hours in line with legal and production requirements 12. book chaperones, tutors or sign language interpreters to meet requirements 13. confirm that post production daily requirements are met and that they receive everything they need to progress 14. organise shipping or delivery of content to post production facilities at the end of each day’s shooting 15. identify and confirm requirements of unit medics  and organise additional medical assistance and resources when required  16. carry out movement orders to show the travel of personnel  17. keep passport details of all cast and crew members and auxiliary people in a secure location for travelling and insurance purposes  18. check that you have required medical statements of health from relevant cast and crew 19. check that psychological testing is carried out to meet requirements 20. arrange insurance cover for all cast and crew to cover all activities required by productions 21. liaise with animal trainers and veterinarians to  organise required animal documentation  22. check drivers’ have the correct documentation for driving vehicles on set

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the information required in daily progress reports, and to whom reports should be distributed

  2. how and when to organise travel and accommodation requirements for cast and crew 

  3. the information required on a regular basis by production teams

  4. the implications of current legislation and regulations covering data protection

  5. how to distribute daily call sheets in liaison with the Assistant Director’s department and production office

  6. how to amend scripts and highlight revisions 

  7. how to comply with right to work legislation 

  8. the legal requirements for working with children, including clearances and working hours and how these differ across regions and internationally

  9. who requires a disclosure and barring check and how to obtain appropriate certification

  10. how to liaise with parents, schools and education authorities to obtain children’s licences

  11. how to locate and book chaperones, tutors and sign language interpreters

  12. when it is appropriate to arrange for psychological testing to be carried out on cast and participants

  13. that a unit medic is available and confirmed on required days and that additional medical support is available if necessary 

  14. how to issue movement orders to all people travelling in the UK or overseas

  15. how to organise crew vaccinations, visas  and required travel documentation for all cast/crew going on overseas locations

  16. the legal requirements for working with animals 

  17. the appropriate information when working with animals including feeding, transportation and guarding requirements

  18. how to liaise with the post production team throughout production to ensure they have everything they need


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Screen Skills (formerly Creative Skillset)

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Arts, Media and Publishing, Production Managers, Production Coordinator

SOC Code



Televsion, Film, Production, Personnel