Control production materials, equipment and supplies
It is about explaining to all who need to know how these systems work. It is about ensuring that suitable suppliers are found, that resources are ordered and delivered by agreed deadlines, and that equipment and materials are handled and moved safely.
This Standard is for those working in the production management team.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
analyse production schedule and brief to identify the resources required for each stage in the production process
obtain tenders, estimates and quotationsfrom potential suppliers of resources that meet production needs and
assess the cost and quality of estimates from potential suppliers against production requirements and budget
agree and confirm in writing details of price and of any other relevant terms and conditions of supply
offer suitable contracts which meet legal requirements and which include full and accurate details of suppliers’ contributions
identify potential shortfalls or delays in delivery, or discrepancies in stock levels, and take prompt remedial action
clarify and agree with all relevant parties the roles and responsibilities for moving and storing materials, equipment and supplies
check that materials, equipment and supplies are stored in a safe and secure location, and that arrangements for storing dangerous and hazardous substances and materials meet legal requirements
access specialist advice on storage for resources that are fragile, valuable or potentially dangerous
identify the likely implications of the need for insurance cover for hazardous working and for vehicles appearing on camera
document accurate details of insurance cover
maintain an up to date equipment list
implement procedures to ensure that equipment and materials on hire or loan are returned in an acceptable condition after use
comply with local laws and regulation when using production resources
confirm that all production equipment is covered by adequate production insurance
obtain loss or damage reports in appropriate formats regarding any equipment that is lost, damaged or stolen
compare insurance cover and equipment lists to ascertain special insurance requirements
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
different types of monitoring systems and their likely suitability to different productions
the production’s system requirements
what resources and potential suppliers are required
methods of obtaining resources and when best to apply them
what organisational policies and legal requirements apply to obtaining resources
what documentation to use when ordering resources
how to deal with delays in delivery or transport
how to obtain and record information on stock levels and movements
how to create and maintain an equipment list
the necessary details to record for insurance cover
the materials and equipment that may require special handling
sources of specialist advice on storage of fragile, valuable or dangerous resources
sources of information on legal requirements relating to dangerous and hazardous substances, and how to access these sources
what recording systems to use, including financial management information
the requirements for returning hire equipment, including the financial implications of returning hired equipment late, or in a damaged condition