Plan and schedule productions

Business Sectors (Suites): Production (FILM and TV)
Developed by: ScreenSkills
Approved on: 2019


This Standard is about producing production schedules that allow sufficient time for objectives to be met, and for resources to be used efficiently.   

It involves making allowances for factors likely to delay the production, and keeping accurate and up to date plans and schedules. These could include contract agreements and compliance with regulations, diversity requirements, religious and cultural holidays, cultural differences, the geographical climate and available shooting hours.

You will need to have a strong understanding of what the Director’s vision is and how he or she intends to capture that for the production.

This Standard is for those involved in planning and scheduling a production, including production managers.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1. allocate sufficient time to each stage in the  production process to enable objectives to be met and  for effective use of resources  2. identify major responsibilities and sequence and duration of activities and tasks to deliver productions within budget and on schedule 3. identify and confirm an appropriate geographical base for shooting and production base 4. collaborate with other departments to determine the main elements and timescales required to meet creative briefs 5. use reliable information to check when cast and crew are available for work 6. use appropriate tools to devise shooting schedules  7. develop plans and schedules that take account of factors which are likely to cause delays to production activities  8. make realistic contingency plans to deal with any delays which may arise  9. verify with appropriate people that necessary permissions and clearances have been obtained 10. check that production plans and schedules are accurate and that contain all essential information 11. present clear plans and schedules in appropriate formats 12. distribute plans and schedules to relevant people without delay, encouraging them to identify and express any concerns they have about the feasibility of plans and schedules  13. suggest realistic solutions, when difficulties in implementing plans are identified 14. communicate changes to schedules to all relevant people without delay 15. create or approve appropriate risk assessment documents 16. provide specific requirements and access for those with differing needs 17. confirm that schedules take account of health and safety of cast and crew  18. store production schedules in a secure location in line with legislation and regulations 

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. how to identify information about creative brief and directors’ vision including the budget, and the proposed delivery date for the production

  2. how to create a production schedule using the appropriate tools

  3. how to chose the most appropriate geographical location for the shoot and base for productions

  4. the required sequence and likely duration of activities in the different stages of the production process

  5. the nature and importance of activities which occur in the different stages of the production process

  6. factors that affect the availability of cast and crew including religious or cultural holidays

  7. guidelines relating to selecting cast and crew 

  8. the procedures for collecting data for a production, such as diversity or carbon impact

  9. how different production environments, types and scales of production are likely to affect the scheduling of activities 

  10. the likely impact of overseas filming or shooting on schedules, such as travel times, time differences,  climate and shooting hours

  11. when permissions and clearances need to be obtained and how to go about obtaining these

  12. the types of contingencies that can occur, and how to allow for these in the schedule

  13. factors that should be included in a production schedule

  14. who should receive copies of the schedule and when

  15. the sorts of difficulties that might arise in implementing the schedules, and how these may be resolved

  16. who needs to be informed of changes to a schedule

  17. how to carry out a risk assessment for the production

  18. any special requirements for individual’s differing needs and how to communicate these to cast and crew

  19. the implications of current legislation and regulations covering Data Protection 


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Screen Skills (formerly Creative Skillset)

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Arts, Media and Publishing, Production Managers, Production Coordinator

SOC Code



Televsion, Film, Schedule