Identify and cover events as a journalist

Business Sectors (Suites): Journalism
Developed by: ScreenSkills
Approved on: 31 Mar 2019


This Standard is about recognising the editorial potential of events you may cover as a journalist, and how events can offer both routine and unexpected opportunities for generating editorial content. 

It includes both scheduled diary events for which it is possible to plan, and unpredictable breaking news stories, while keeping in mind the needs of your target audience.

This Standard is for those involved with identifying and covering events as a journalist.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1. use information from reliable sources to assess the editorial opportunities presented by planned events  2. follow up on breaking news  that meets the needs of the platform and potential target audience  3. identify, assess and record health and safety risks in line with health and safety procedures,  taking action to minimise them 4. record accurate details of the key facts of events, identifying any points that need to be followed up by interview or desk research  5. make sure audio or video material required for future editorial is recorded 6. recognise when supporting material will enhance published material  7. make appropriate arrangements to obtain and use supporting material 8. clarify any inconsistencies in information obtained during events using appropriate sources 9. make informed judgements on the editorial value of information obtained during events 10. differentiate between fact and opinion 11. identify how to deal with any legal and ethical issues arising from following up the information, or publishing material based on it, within the limits of your authority 12. confirm the proposed treatment of contentious issues with relevant people

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

1. how to identify and plan for upcoming events 2. how to respond to breaking news events 3. the editorial requirements of the organisation or brand regarding content, treatment, and the target audience  4. how to judge the editorial value of information and its ability to meet the needs of the target audience  5. the likely potential of an event in terms of editorial content 6. the types of supporting material that can enhance editorial content, including documents, audio or visual material  7. when audio or visual material of the event is required, and whether you are expected to provide them, or to make arrangements for someone else to do so 8. the organisation’s arrangements for obtaining, using, returning, and paying for, supporting material 9. how to identify and assess potential health and safety risks when covering events, and your responsibilities in line with organisational policies and health and safety legislation  10. the legal and ethical issues likely to arise from following up any information acquired, or publishing material based on it 11. the organisation’s arrangements for obtaining, using, returning, and paying for, supporting material 12. the contentious issues that may arise and who to check these with 13. the need to verify sources, and who and how to refer to


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date

30 Mar 2022





Originating Organisation

Screen Skills (formerly Creative Skillset)

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Media and Communication, Media Associate Professionals

SOC Code



events, journalism, schedule