Work to a brief for editorial content
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
engage in a positive manner with the person who has set the brief for editorial content
use information from reliable sources to identify the objectives, budget, intended target audiences, timescales and medium for the editorial work agree with relevant people the resources you are expected to work with
establish and agree areas of responsibility with relevant people, writing up the brief when required
keep the person who has set the brief informed of progress at agreed intervals
offer viable alternative options and agree the way forward with the person who has set the brief when problems or obstacles arise
develop editorial content that meets the objectives for the work
deliver the editorial content on time and to budget
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
the context for the commission, the style, culture and editorial policy of the organisation or brand, the target audiences
where to obtain reliable information about the brief, objectives, budget, target audience, timescales and medium
how to communicate effectively with editors or commissioners and clients
techniques for listening and asking pertinent questions to establish the fixed and negotiable elements of the brief
different ways of responding to a brief for editorial content
how to factor in contingencies and respond to changing circumstances
how to write up a brief and the formats it might be in
the different processes to follow when it is a competitive commission