Write promotional material for editorial content

Business Sectors (Suites): Journalism
Developed by: ScreenSkills
Approved on: 2019


This Standard involves writing promotional material to persuade people to buy or read current and future publications, or to listen to or view broadcast programmes.

Promotional material can take a variety of forms on different platforms. Many media organisations publishing on more than one platform can exploit the potential for cross-platform promotion of their editorial content.

This Standard is for those who create promotional material for editorial content.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. identify all the platforms available for the promotion of editorial content 

  2. identify the best and most appropriate platforms for promotional material for the target audience 

  3. confirm with relevant colleagues the promotional material to be produced 

  4. select the content and treatment appropriate to the medium in which the promotional material will appear

  5. produce promotional material that will attract attention, promote interest among the target audience, and reflect the subject, treatment, and purpose of the editorial content 

  6. write promotional material following house or brand style, and the required conventions on grammar, spelling, and punctuation 

  7. produce material to deadline, or inform the relevant people promptly about any delays or difficulties 

  8. produce material in the required format

  9. inform relevant colleagues in commercial departments about the promotional material and its possible implications for their work 

  10. identify any legal and ethical issues that may arise, and ensure that you write promotional material for editorial content that is legally sound, and which complies with industry regulation and codes of practice

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

1. all the platforms available to your organisation for the distribution of promotional material 2. the organisation's requirements for content, treatment, and format 3. the target audience and their characteristics and expectations 4. different types of promotional material and their uses, differences, benefits, and disadvantages 5. when different types of promotional material should be used 6. how to present ideas for promotional material to gain acceptance from colleagues 7. the grammar, spelling, punctuation, vocabulary, format, style, and story construction in which material should be produced 8. how to use photographs, audio, video, and graphics to supplement promotional text when required 9. how to create promotional audio or video trails when required 10. the format in which material should be created, and deadlines for submission 11. where relevant, the relationship between the organisation's editorial department and its commercial or marketing departments


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Screen Skills (formerly Creative Skillset)

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Media and Communication, Media Associate Professionals

SOC Code



promotional material, platforms, content, copy, journalism