Maintain professional practice in journalism

Business Sectors (Suites): Journalism
Developed by: ScreenSkills
Approved on: 2019


This Standard is about working in a professional way as a journalist and managing your contribution so that it has a positive effect on those you are working with. It is about having an enthusiasm for journalism and its possibilities, and its place in a converging media world.
It includes an ability to think creatively and a willingness to work as part of a team. It is about keeping your skills and knowledge up-to-date and adapting to changing technologies and working practices to make the most of the opportunities they present.
It requires a good level of technical competence and general IT skills, and familiarity with current industry standards, equipment and software. You will also need to understand the wider media industry, its subsectors, business models, sources of funding, key stakeholders and job roles and the impact of changing technologies and media convergence, such as the use of multimedia content.
This Standard should apply to anyone who works in journalism.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. present ideas for editorial and related multimedia content to relevant people

  2. select the most suitable delivery platform for the content being created

  3. use editorial content to tell a story that is appropriate for the platform being used  

  4. use reliable sources of information to keep up-to-date with industry and market developments, new technologies, creative ideas and techniques, and best practice

  5. collaborate with colleagues at appropriate times

  6. discuss and negotiate work with others to enable achievement of joint outputs

  7. produce work to the required standard in line with creative needs and budgetary constraints

  8. devise and implement contingency plans that deliver your work on time

  9. respond to feedback on your work in a constructive manner, adapting your work or behaviour as required

  10. manage your own continuing professional development on an ongoing basis

  11. use industry-standard equipment and software to meet requirements

  12. use the appropriate conventions for naming and storing digital data so that it can be identified and accessed by yourself or others

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1.  the structure of the UK media, its subsectors and the role journalism plays in each sector 
  2. key stakeholders in the industry and their roles including regulators and representative bodies
  3. the impact of digital technologies and how media convergence affects journalism

  4. the different delivery platforms for editorial content - their benefits and drawbacks

  5. the implications of multiplatform distribution of editorial content

  6. the need for multiskilling and the range of functions and roles in a multi skilled journalistic environment

  7. how multimedia content and visualisation can be used to promote editorial content, and increase audience engagement

  8. how your role relates to those of others and how to work collaboratively

  9. how to present ideas to colleagues and gain their support

  10. how to conduct discussions and negotiations in a professional manner that promotes co-operation

  11. how to make the most efficient use of available resources

  12. how others may need to use the work you produce

  13. the common problems that may occur in your work and how to use contingencies to minimise their impact

  14. how to encourage people to give feedback about your personal performance and how to respond positively to this

  15. relevant sources of information to keep your skills and knowledge up-to date

  16. how to use relevant equipment or software effectively and efficiently

  17. the aims, values, direction and priorities of your organisation


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Screen Skills (formerly Creative Skillset)

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Media and Communication, Media Associate Professionals

SOC Code



Journalism, Media, Multi-media, Content