Carry out functional testing of games and interactive media project outputs
This standard is about carrying out functional testing of games and interactive media project outputs to ensure they work correctly. This may involve testing for integrity to make sure it works as intended without bugs; testing for compatibility across specified end platforms or system specifications; or testing for compliance with required standards or regulations. This is likely to be an iterative process during development.
This standard can apply to games or interactive media. Interactive media can involve any type of interactive media content, products or services including, but not restricted to, websites, applications or online marketing campaigns.
Games and interactive media projects can be for multi-platform or multi-channel use and can also involve the use of immersive technology which can include, but is not restricted to, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR).
This standard is for anyone involved in testing functionality of games or interactive media project outputs.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- obtain current information about the overall design aim and instructions of projects
- identify appropriate assessment criteria, test briefs and test scenarios
- seek clarification about requirements and instructions from relevant people when required
- carry out functional testing that is appropriate for the stage of development
- use a systematic approach to functional testing in line with test briefs or other provided instructions
- identify and communicate problems with specific aspects of projects, that are appropriate for the stage of development
- produce thorough, clear, concise information about any bugs found in software so they can be found by others
- report functional test results using appropriate methods and procedures
- respond in a constructive way to communication from other team members about reported functional test results
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- where to obtain information about the overall design aim and instructions of projects
- ethical issues relating to projects including diversity, inclusivity, accessibility, emotional intelligence and behavioural psychology
- where to get information about assessment criteria, test briefs and test scenarios including how to develop them where these have not been developed by others
- your company's definitions of key milestone stages including Alpha, Beta, early access, open testing, Master Submission
- the purpose of functional testing, how functional testing is different to user testing, the need to re-check things that have already been tested and the politics of testing including the need to separate test requirements from those of management
- different types of functional testing, and when it is appropriate to carry them out including integrity testing, compatibility testing and compliance testing
- how, and of whom, to ask questions to clarify requirements or raise issues about instructions
- the lifecycle of a bug from discovery to closure, how and when to use bug tracking software, industry standards for grading bugs and the importance of accountability for bug reports
- how to define and articulate the quality of the user experience
- relevant technical, platform, legal or compliance standards and how these may differ between territories
- how to give clear and constructive feedback, even when problems or negative feedback may not be welcomed
- the person to whom you should submit testing results