Use mark-up to develop content for games and interactive media projects
This standard is about using mark-up to develop content for games or interactive media projects. It involves selecting and using appropriate mark-up language, producing well-formed mark up and testing, debugging and documenting mark up for games or interactive media projects.
This standard can apply to games or interactive media. Interactive media can involve any type of interactive media content, products or services including, but not restricted to, websites, applications, or online marketing campaigns.
Games and interactive media projects can be for multi-platform or multi-channel use and can also involve the use of immersive technology which can include, but is not restricted to, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR).
This standard is for anyone who uses mark-up to develop content for games or interactive media projects.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- obtain current information on project specifications, briefs, parameters and constraints
- seek clarification of requirements and raise issues with appropriate people when required
- produce mark-up in line with project specifications and parameters
- mark-up text using appropriate mark-up language
- produce well-formed, robust, accurate and efficient mark-up
- use mark-up that complies with relevant standards, guidelines or conventions
- test mark up to ensure it operates correctly within specified parameters
- fix any bugs or problems identified from testing
- ensure mark-up validates against specified standards
- document mark-up so it can be understood by others
- respond in a positive way to requests for changes that arise
- transfer completed files in line with specifications and briefs
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- how to obtain information on, and interpret, project specifications, briefs, parameters and constraints including formats, target platforms and their capabilities
- the difference between development, staging, live web servers and real-time animation and their impact on mark-up requirements
- how mark-up will be used and who to seek clarification from and raise issues with
- the syntax of the mark-up language you are using and sources of information for help, tips and tricks for making most effective use of the mark-up language you are coding with
- the principles of semantic mark-up, progressive enhancement and graceful degradation
- the origins and likely future development of current mark-up languages, and opportunities and capabilities that may emerge as they evolve
- how to produce efficient mark-up that is easy to debug and maintain
- why it is important to clearly document mark-up
- how to test and debug mark-up efficiently, effectively and thoroughly
- appropriate tools and development environments for coding and validating mark-up
- current industry recognised standards and accessibility guidelines
- the impact of diversity, inclusivity, ethics, useability, accessibility, emotional intelligence, and behavioural psychology on projects
- how to read and understand other developers' code and comments in order to modify, debug or augment their work
- the implications of later requests for changes to the product
- the expectations of others who may be involved in debugging, using or modifying mark-up