Use authoring tools to develop content for games and interactive media projects
This standard is about using authoring tools to organise and develop content for games or interactive media projects. Authoring tools can be of any type that will link individual components to create final applications.
This involves assembling content and assets, specifying navigation, developing functionality and fixing any bugs found in games or interactive media projects.
This standard can apply to games or interactive media. Interactive media can involve any type of interactive media content, products or services including, but not restricted to, websites, applications, or online marketing campaigns.
Games and interactive media projects can be for multi-platform or multi-channel use and can also involve the use of immersive technology which can include, but is not restricted to, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR).
This standard is for anyone who uses authoring tools to organise and develop content for games or interactive media projects.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- select and use appropriate authoring tools to meet project requirements
- assemble, organise and check the required content and assets
- use authoring tools to develop required functionality in line with project specifications and parameters
- seek clarification of requirements and raise issues with appropriate people when required
- structure content in a logical and consistent manner that is appropriate for target users
- specify navigation that is clear and intuitive to use
- test products to ensure they operate correctly within specified parameters
- fix any bugs or problems that come to light from testing
- respond in a positive way to requests for changes that arise from user testing
- liaise with colleagues to ensure designs and specifications are correctly implemented
- deploy finished products in appropriate formats in line with specifications and briefs
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- how to obtain information on, and interpret, project specifications, briefs, parameters and constraints including formats, target platforms and their capabilities
- your position in the overall production process and who to seek clarification from, raise issues with and check appropriateness of finished work with
- available authoring tools, their benefits, disadvantages, and any limitations that may affect the smooth operation, usability and de-bugging of project outputs
- how to use authoring tools and access tips and tricks for using them including any associated helper software
- where to obtain, and how to organise, content and assets
- where and how to obtain any additional information required to deploy finished products
- the principles of interaction design including issues of usability and accessibility
- the impact of diversity, inclusivity, ethics, emotional intelligence and behavioural psychology on projects
- project asset pipelines, version control systems and naming conventions being used for content and assets
- the implications of late requests for changes to functionality or other aspects of projects
- the implications for design and development of using live data, database-driven content, and real-time animation
- relevant standards and interoperability conventions
- how to deploy finished products in different formats including uploading web pages and assets to web servers, or exporting executable applications to run on the required platforms
- who to liaise with and when it is appropriate to do so including clarifying requirements, raising issues, responding to requests for changes and ensuring correct implementation