Model 3D assets for games and interactive media projects

Business Sectors (Suites): Games and Interactive Media
Developed by: ScreenSkills
Approved on: 2021


​This standard is for those who create and model 3D assets for use in games or interactive media projects. 

This standard can apply to games or interactive media. Interactive media can involve any type of interactive media content, products or services including, but not restricted to, websites, applications, or online marketing campaigns.

Games and interactive media projects can be for multi-platform or multi-channel use and can also involve the use of immersive technology which can include, but is not restricted to, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR).

This standard is for anyone involved in modelling 3D assets for games or interactive media projects.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. ​model 3D assets in line with project requirements
  2. design real time assets within specified parameters and constraints for target platforms and mediums
  3. model assets that are attractive, easy to use and fit for purpose
  4. liaise with other people at appropriate intervals to ensure assets are appropriate and meet requirements
  5. save assets in appropriate formats so they can be easily incorporated into projects
  6. provide clear documentation for others to incorporate assets into projects
  7. organise assets using appropriate filing and naming conventions so they can be located easily by others

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. ​the principles and techniques of real-time asset creation, such as hi and low-resolution modelling, meshing, colouring, digital sculpting of 3D animation
  2. where to obtain information on project requirements
  3. how each asset will be used in final version and how it will contribute to user experience who to liaise with and when it is appropriate to do so including directors, designers and developers
  4. how to use industry-standard 3D software and engines
  5. how to achieve different looks in computer generated assets including shininess, reflectivity, roughness
  6. relevant standards, conventions and guidelines relating to asset modelling including guidelines and best practice for diversity, inclusivity, ethics, emotional intelligence, behavioural psychology user comfort and quality of experience
  7. principles of interaction design, especially regarding usability and accessibility
  8. the impact of the technical parameters of target platforms on work including processing power, memory, bandwidth, screen size, resolution, colour depth, physical user interface


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Arts, Media and Publishing, Crafts, Creative Arts and Design, Media and Communication, VFX Technician, Animation Professionals, AR/VR Technician, Interactive Media Professionals, Games Professionals

SOC Code



interactive media; games; gaming; websites, applications; online marketing; AR/VR; 360; immersive technology; mixed reality; augmented reality; end user; multi-platform; multi-channel; 3D; assets; model; design; save; file; name; product; prototype