Generate ideas for potential games and interactive media projects

Business Sectors (Suites): Games and Interactive Media
Developed by: ScreenSkills
Approved on: 2021


​This standard involves originating and developing ideas for potential games or interactive media projects. Ideas can be for brand new projects or to improve or exploit the potential of existing ones. It is about initiating and developing viable ideas and packaging them for stakeholders. You may work alone or in collaboration with others.

This standard can apply to games or interactive media. Interactive media can involve any type of interactive media content, products or services including, but not restricted to, websites, applications or online marketing campaigns.

Games and interactive media projects can be for multi-platform or multi-channel use and can also involve the use of immersive technology which can include, but is not restricted to, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR).

This standard is for anyone who generates games or interactive media business.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. ​research and analyse data and information from reliable sources to inform ideas 
  2. develop ideas that have the potential and substance to meet requirements of production, business models, revenue generation and market/ users
  3. give clear information to show how format and style will comply with budget, audience and other key requirements  
  4. use information from reliable sources to outline differences to any similar outputs 
  5. write outline proposals and detailed treatments using clear and persuasive language
  6. make sure any taster materials you create portray sufficient information to enable people to understand ideas
  7. adapt treatments to meet changing schedule and budget requirements and market conditions and opportunities
  8. use reliable information to confirm that there are minimum risk factors to projects and companies involved
  9. generate ideas that adhere to relevant regulations and codes of practice
  10. pitch ideas to relevant people in a way that secures funding, investment or distribution
  11. determine optimum multi-platform production and distribution plans that can be developed in parallel to proposed ideas
  12. encourage constructive discussion and negotiation with relevant people to manage the development process

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. ​strategies to develop ideas, sources of information about ideas and scoping of audiences and how to access them
  2. the benefits of adapting, improving and scaling-up  existing projects and where to get the information to do so
  3. the importance of focusing on ideas that will meet requirements before identifying appropriate technology or platforms
  4. current technologies and their capabilities
  5. how to factor in current trends, developments and the changing needs of the industry 
  6. different genres and consumer/user expectations of each
  7. creative and budgetary requirements and how budget and technical and logistical factors will impact upon original ideas and schedules
  8. how to verify that ideas are original and do not contradict regulations or policies
  9. how to create effective taster materials
  10. the impact that requirements of sponsors and potential audience/users will have on the success of ideas
  11. relevant standards, conventions and guidelines including guidelines and best practice for user comfort and quality of experience
  12. the impact of diversity, inclusivity, accessibility, ethics, emotional intelligence and behavioural psychology on projects
  13. key legal and ethical considerations which affect the use of information
  14. how to minimise factors of risk to projects and the organisations involved
  15. how to out-source development know-how and market awareness to more experienced third parties
  16. how potential distribution and optimum multi-platform plans will work for proposed ideas
  17. how to work with others in an encouraging and constructive manner through the development process


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Media and Communication, VFX Technician, Animation Professionals, AR/VR Technician, Interactive Media Professionals, Games Professionals

SOC Code



interactive media; games; gaming; websites, applications; online marketing; AR/VR; 360; immersive technology; mixed reality; augmented reality; product; prototype; idea; viable; initiate; develop;