Monitor and maintain the continuity of the performer’s appearance

Business Sectors (Suites): Hair, Wigs, Make Up and Prosthetics for Productions
Developed by: ScreenSkills
Approved on: 2021


​This standard is about your ability to monitor and maintain the continuity of the performer's appearance.

It involves ensuring that performers' hair, wigs, make-up and prosthetics match the design and specification at the start of the production and is maintained throughout the production. It also involves keeping continuity records and making sure that your presence on the set is not intrusive or disruptive.

This standard is applicable to all members of the team who are working on performers.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. ​confirm the design specification requirements with the relevant person
  2. make sure materials and equipment are available for recording information and in good working order, prior to the start of the production
  3. monitor and maintain continuity of the performer's appearance throughout the production
  4. check and agree with the relevant person that the performers' hair, wigs, make-up and prosthetics meet the design specification for the production
  5. agree with the relevant people alterations to make to hair, wigs, make-up and prosthetics as a result of unscripted events during production
  6. minimise disruption to the production when making to hair, wigs, make-up and prosthetics changes
  7. agree changes with the relevant person

  8. maintain continuity records to be placed in the hair and/or make-up continuity file and ensure that such records are accurate and accessible

  9. liaise with the production team to ensure continuity of the design brief
  10. liaise with other departments to ensure that the design brief is met

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. ​the design requirements communicated to you by the relevant person

  2. the time and budget constraints of the production schedule

  3. the specifications of the hair, wigs, make-up and prosthetics continuity breakdown
  4. the type of materials and equipment required for recording information
  5. how to maintain continuity of performers' appearance throughout the production e.g. hair length, and developing wounds
  6. who to agree the performer's hair, wigs, make-up and prosthetics design with
  7. how to check the implications of developing effects suggested within the script with the relevant person
  8. how to confirm that the performer's hair, wigs, make-up and prostheticsat the commencement of a take accurately reproduces the appearance throughout the production
  9. how to recognise possible scripted and unscripted occurrences which might impact on performer's hair and make-up and what action to take
  10. who to liaise with regarding necessary alterations to hair, wigs, make-up and prosthetics
  11. how to maintain accurate records of hair, wigs, make-up and prosthetics continuity detail
  12. when and who to liaise with in the camera and lighting department to ensure the photographic image accurately captures the production design
  13. the importance of effective communication with the production team to ensure continuity of character and action is upheld


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Arts, Media and Publishing, Crafts, Creative Arts and Design, Hairdressers and Related Occupations, Media and Communication, Performing Arts, Personal Service Occupations

SOC Code



hair, make-up, wigs, prosthetics, continuity, performer, appearance, production, production design, maintain continuity, design requirements