Manage the work of teams in the creative industries

Business Sectors (Suites): Props for Productions ,Stagehands for Productions ,Broadcast Engineering,Creative Media Generic Skills,Armoury and Weapons Supply for Productions
Developed by: ScreenSkills
Approved on: 2019


This Standard is about managing the work of your team and considering how the performance of your team could be improved.

It is about ensuring that your team are adhering to the requirements of the brief and in the event that these requirements are not being adhered to it involves investigating the reasons for this by communicating with the appropriate members of your team.

It also involves considering ways that the quality of work and working methods could be improved and communicating this to your team and individuals within your team in a positive manner. It requires you comply with all relevant health and safety and employment legislation when managing your team.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1    inform your
team of the scope of their job responsibilities in a way which promotes good
working relationships 2    inform your team that you will be monitoring
their performance at work 3    ensure that risk assessments for the work of
your team have been undertaken and that your team is working in compliance with
relevant health and safety legislation 
4    develop a work plan which includes yourself and your team 
5    ensure all members of your team are aware of the specific activities for which they are responsible
6   provide individuals with the opportunity to contribute  with regard to their own personal development 7    provide advice and guidance at times appropriate to the needs of the brief and the individual 8    ensure your team is clear on the procedure for dealing with problems and to whom such problems should be reported 9    where member(s) of your team are not following requirements of the brief discuss this with the team member to determine the cause 10  evaluate the reasons provided by your team member and consider what action needs to be taken to assist the achievement of the brief and the individual 11  provide feedback to all your team on the overall production and its progress 12  consult your team for suggestions to improve future performance 13  seek opportunities to improve productivity and             information flow

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

1      the skills of your team and their scope in terms of job responsibilities
2      how to communicate the requirements of the brief and creative style to your team and confirm their understanding
3      how to develop a work plan which clearly details roles and responsibilities
4      the importance of providing individuals with the opportunity to contribute to inform their personal development
5      the person responsible for carrying out risk assessments and your health and safety responsibilities with regard to other people
6      the importance of informing your team that you will be monitoring their performance, what you will be looking for and how they can obtain feedback
7      suitable action to take following unsatisfactory     
          performance by a team member
8 legislation, regulations and codes of practice that are applicable to managing other people and to the work being undertaken


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Screen Skills (formerly Creative Skillset)

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Photographer, Photographic Technician

SOC Code



Teams; Manage; Responsibiities