Investigate locations during pre-production
Business Sectors (Suites): Grips and Crane Technicians
Developed by: ScreenSkills
Approved on:
This Standard involves the preliminary work to investigate locations at the pre-production stage. It is about attending production meetings, visiting locations, producing information for subcontractors, and liaising with site owners.
It includes advising production colleagues of any special working practices and any permissions that may be required, as well as producing risk assessments.
This Standard is for anyone required to investigate locations during pre-production.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- contribute to pre-production meetings at appropriate times
- produce risk assessments for all relevant equipment for each location
- estimate and evaluate requirements for your area of responsibility against production needs
- detail all location conditions and special requirements for productions in appropriate documents
- check that documents completed are concise and legible
- advise production at appropriate times of any aspect of locations that may cause problems for equipment, production crew or third parties
- advise production of any special safety or security measures that will be required when equipment is being operated or left unattended
- inform production and suppliers of any changes as soon as they become apparent
- obtain specialist advice from reliable sources when required
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- relevant legislation, guidance and industry best practice
- how to interpret the production brief into technical requirements
- how to advise on the suitability of locations
- how to interpret and apply Health & Safety legislation and industry working practices relevant to the operation
- the benefits of teamwork and how to communicate with others
- your responsibilities to equipment owners, production personnel, and location owners
- how to assess the safety and security of equipment when being operated or left unattended
- appropriate formats for records
- when and where to obtain specialist advice
- how to assess access needs for heavy transport
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Creative Skillset
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Grips, Trainee Grip, Key Grip, Crane Operator (Film & TV), Crane Technician (Film & TV)
SOC Code
Grip; recce, locations; health and safety; risk assessment