Maintain records of continuity and technical camera details during shooting
Business Sectors (Suites): Camera
Developed by: ScreenSkills
Approved on:
This standard is about maintaining accurate and legible records of all aspects of continuity and technical camera details during shooting. This could apply to any type of scripted production including feature films and TV dramas.
This includes recording information required for matching, screen time, take preferences, start and stop points for takes, times, composite shots and wild tracks. It also includes identifying and liaising with others about any dialogue or continuity problems, potential matching difficulties or outstanding shots.
This standard is relevant to Script supervisors.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- maintain comprehensive records of information required for matching subsequent shots and cover shots
- calculate amounts of screen time based on running times of all takes
- record all comments, mistakes, and inconsistencies and the reasons for any curtailing of takes in designated places
- record exact start and stop points for each take on scripts
- confirm take preferences with directors at appropriate times
- notify camera and sound crew of selected prints at appropriate times
- inform directors of any dialogue or continuity problems or potential matching difficulties in good time for them to be addressed
- ensure that all action and dialogue is adequately covered in line with production requirements
- obtain and record details of lenses, focal distances and filters used from relevant people in camera departments
- maintain complete records of all aspects of composite shots for Visual Effects (VFX) and background plates
- inform relevant people about any outstanding shots at appropriate times
- make sketches or take photographs for matching at appropriate times
- store sketches or photographs in designated places for immediate access when required
- check that all scenes have been shot on sets before they are dismantled
- maintain records of outstanding wild tracks in line with production requirements
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- information required for matching including the timing of action, continuity of movement and dialogue and camera moves, time of day and weather conditions
- types of matching problems which may occur
- how to calculate screen time and what that information is used for
- how to mark-up take information on scripts
- appropriate time to liaise with directors about take preferences, problems or difficulties
- how to interpret production requirements for covering action and dialogue
- how to record information about lenses, focal distances and filters
- the purpose of collecting information about composite shots and how to record it
- when to make sketches or take photographs and where to store them
- how to identify outstanding shots and who to inform about them
- who to inform about outstanding wild tracks, and why they are required
- the requirements of the relevant Health and Safety legislation and procedures
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Arts, Media and Publishing, Media and Communication, Media Associate Professionals
SOC Code
camera; records; continuity; continuity requirements; technical details; script;